中文摘要 |
本研究旨在探討國小代理代課教師在面對工作、考試、家庭、社會等方面之問題時所面臨的壓力狀況與其壓力所帶來的影響。為達此目的,本研究採用半結構式深度訪談法為主,參與觀察法為輔之資料收集過程,透過立意取樣與滾雪球之方式,以十二位桃竹苗地區之國小代理代課教師為研究對象,並依據研究結論提出建議,以提供國小代理代課教師及相關單位參考。經研究分析後發現結果如下:一、國小代理代課教師投身代課職場的動機有「受薪水吸引」、「符合個人的興趣」、「工作時間固定」、「擁有教師的尊嚴」、「迫於無奈,維持現狀」、「矛盾掙扎中,姑且一試」。二、國小代理代課教師的壓力來源有「代理代課工作上的壓力」、「考試的壓力」、「家庭的壓力」、「社會的壓力」四種。三、國小代理代課教師壓力造成的影響,分別是「對工作沒有安全感」、「競爭產生的負面情結」、「收入不穩,影響經濟」、「專業不被認同的挫敗感」、「對未來的不確定感」。四、國小代理代課教師面臨壓力時,所採取的壓力調適類型分為「策略性解決問題」、「尋求支援協助」、「自我調解紓解」與「延宕面對困境」等四個層面。This study is focused in the pressures, pressure influence and pressure adjustment during the work, examination, family and society of the substitute teacher of the elementary schools. Its purpose is to understand the pressure source, its impacts and how they adjusted. The recommendations based on the research conclusions for substitute-teachers and related authorities as a reference. Twelve substitute- teachers are interviewed with half-structured indepth interview method, and the results after analysis are shown below: 1.The motivations of the substitute-teachers include: 'salary attraction', 'personal interest', 'stable working hours', 'professional dignity', 'because of helpless, maintain in status quo', and 'give-it-a-try'. 2.The sources of pressures of substitute-teachers come from work , examination, family and society. 3.The influences derived from the pressures of substitute teachers are 'lacking of job security', ' negative feeling from competition', 'unstable income to impact family economy', 'frustration from lacking of professional acknowledgement', and 'future uncertainty'. 4.The pressure adjustment of substitute-teachers include: 'strategic problem solving', 'seeking for backup assistance', 'self-adjusted easement', and 'delay facing problems'. |