中文摘要 |
美國圖書館員協會(AASL)為因應科技所帶來的資訊潮流,於2009年推出「21世紀學習者標準」。其核心主軸為學習與創新能力、生活與職涯能力及資訊媒體科技能力,以培育學童在資訊社會中所需之能力;社會學習領域內涵之地球、歷史、政策、經濟主題皆為21世紀核心學科,且該學習領域重於批判思考、價值判斷、研究溝通、解決問題等能力的培養,與21世紀學習者所需之能力相呼應。本研究透過Big6資訊素養模式,以此標準設計國小五年級社會領域之「日本統治下的臺灣」教學單元,探究社會領域與圖書教師的協作教學歷程、教學過程中遇到的問題,以及學生學習反應。本研究為期三週共12節課,以行動研究為架構,配合參與觀察、文件分析與問卷調查等方式進行。研究結果發現在教學的部分,社會領域與圖書教師可依照「直接教學」、「示範引導與練習」、「獨立練習」與「分享與反思」四大教學活動,完成協作教學。過程中,由於時間不足、學童未能有效利用關鍵詞進行搜尋、單元知識性內容過多,以及在電子資料庫與網路資源教學與練習安排得太緊湊等問題下,整體教學時間由原本預計的9節課修正至12節課,課程單元才能順利完成。透過學生對本次學習的自我評量中,發現所學到最多的是網頁搜尋以及團隊合作,且其所展現的積極度、小組合作程度,亦明顯影響其學習成果。因此,選擇合宜探究主題,並加強資訊檢索能力、增加練習時間與提升小組合作意願,是未來所需努力的方向。To cope with the technology trend and equip students with necessary abilities in the era of technology, the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) issued the 'Standards for the 21st-Century Learner' in 2009, in which the main concerns are ability to learn and innovate, ability to manage life and career, and ability to cope with media and technology. In Taiwan, the field of social studies not only encompasses topics which are important in the 21st century such as the earth, history, policies, and economy but also stresses cultivation of abilities such as critical thinking, value judgment, research and communication, problem solving which are valued in the 'Standards for the 21st-Century Learner'. Therefore, this study aims to explore how social studies teachers and teacher librarians co-teach the unit 'Taiwan in Japanese Colonial Period' based on the Big6 Mode and the 'Standards for the 21st-Century Learner' in 2009. The teaching lasted for 3 weeks, 12 classes in total. Action Research was employed as the basis while observation, document analysis and questionnaire survey were also used. The results indicate that social studies teachers and teacher librarians could follow the four stages-'direct instruction', 'demonstration and guided practice', 'independent practice', and 'reflection'-to complete their co-teaching of the given unit. In teaching, problems such as limited teaching hours, students' ineffectiveness in search for information with key words, too much informative content of the given unit, and over intensive courses and practices of e-database and online resources made the whole teaching hours prolonged from 9 classes to 12 classes to better complete the teaching. The results of students' self-evaluation of this unit show that what they learnt most was webpage search and team work and that how well they engaged in learning and cooperated with other team members significantly influenced their learning results. Therefore, it is suggested that research topic should be carefully selected, practice hours should be prolonged, willingness to do teamwork should be elevated to better enhance the ability to search for information. |