中文摘要 |
雖然校園霸凌事件是長期存在的問題,但是受限於過去封閉式的資訊管道、學校和家長的態度,始終未能成為教育重要的議題,也沒有得到教育主管機構的重視。但是2010年臺灣桃園縣八德國中學校霸凌事件卻成為引爆全國對校園霸凌事件討論的導火線。本文即是針對台中市丁丁國中一至三年級的學生進行調查,以了解該校之學生霸凌情況,作為該校解決學生霸凌問題之基礎。每個年級隨機各抽取二個班級,總共有182位學生參與問卷調查。問卷調查以發現霸凌與被霸凌的比率、方式、原因、對象、時間、地點以及應付策略為目的。以卡方考驗和百分比統計其問卷,結果發現:(1)被霸凌和霸凌的男生多於女生,年級愈高被霸凌的人數比例愈高,但是霸凌人數的比例在國三時降低;(2)被霸凌與霸凌的型式都是以語言霸凌為最高,其次為社會性霸凌和身體霸凌;(3)年級與被語言霸凌的方式、被網路霸凌的方式具有顯著性關聯;(4)性別和被社會性霸凌的方式、身體霸凌的方式具有顯著性關聯;(5)被霸凌和霸凌別人的時間都以下課時間居多;(6)被霸凌和霸凌別人的地點都以校園內居多;(7)被霸凌和霸凌者大都是同班同學;(8)被霸凌和霸凌別人的次數呈現兩極化,從少於三次以及多於十次都有;(9)大多數被霸凌者不知道被霸凌的理由,但是霸凌者的理由卻以好玩居多;(10)尋求社會支援與內在化是被霸凌的學生所採取的因應策略。針對本研究之發現,研究者提出對霸凌與被霸凌學生之輔導建議,也提出對學校如何預防霸凌事件之建議。Although bullying problems have been existed in all levels of schools for years, they were eventually ignored by the government as well as the schools, due to a closed access to the regarding information and passive attitudes of schools and parents. It has not been an issue in the field of education until 2010, the bullying event of Ba-deh Junior-high School was revealed by public press, which immediately attracted a nation-wide attention. As a result, the prevalence of bully investigations was begun. The purpose of this study was to investigate the bullying problems in a junior-high school in Taichung, Taiwan. The subjects were drawn from 7- 9 grades, totally there were 171 students involved in this study. The results by chi-square test and percentile showed that: (1) males were more likely to be the victims as well as the bullies than females; victims increased with grade, however, bullies decreased at 9th grade; (2) verbal bullying, social bullying and physical bullying were the major types of bullying, respectively; (3) a significant difference existed in language and cyber bullying for different graders among victims; (4) a significant difference existed in social bullying among male and female victims and physical bullying among male and female bullies; (5) most bullying events were initiated during the class recess; (6) school ground was the target place for bullying events; (7) most bullies and victims were classmates; (8) the frequency of being bullied and bullying varied from less than 3 times and more than ten times for victims and bullies; (9) most victims were unaware of the reason for being bullied, however, the bullies hold an attitude as being for fun; (10) seeking social support and internalization were the coping strategies for the victims. The researcher provided some suggestions for school administrators and teachers as to prevent bullying problems in the school. |