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區域與社會發展研究 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Indonesian Family Nursing Laborers' Work Adaptation and Interpersonal Adaptation in Taiwan
作者 康月綾李麗日
本研究旨在探討印尼籍家庭看護工在台灣生活的工作適應與人際適應情形。透過質性研究的深度訪談法,以研究尊象尊自身經驗的描述,瞭解其在台灣工作過程中所遭遇的生活適應問題。本研究目的在探討:一、瞭解影響印尼籍家庭看護工生活適應的因素,包括工作、人際等面向。二、瞭解印尼籍家庭看護工來台工作的適應過程中,其所遭遇的困難或問題。三、瞭解印尼籍家庭看護工適應過程中遭遇困難時,其因應處理的方式。四、期以研究結果呈現,讓各界重視印尼籍家庭看護工的適應問題,並提供政府擬定其管理政策之參考。本研究的結論如下:一、印尼籍家庭看護工的工作適應,其實際工作現況以照護為主、家務為輔;工作遭遇的困難有照護技術、與人相處、語言差距及上合理要求等;工作需要的支援以雇主為主;困難的因應方式會先自理,再尋求他人協助。二、印尼籍家庭看護工的人際適應,其與雇主互動大致良好;與被照顧者互動良好;與工作相關人士的互動關係因尊象而異;與一般民眾上常主動往來;朋友往來以原國籍看護工為主。The purpose of this research was to investigate the work adaptation and interpersonal adaptation of the Indonesian family nursing laborers in Taiwan. The study adopted in-depth interviews of qualitative research to understand the obstacles and the subjects encountered in adapting their life to Taiwan according to the description of their self-experience. The purpose of this study were: (1) Understand the factors which influenced the Indonesian family nursing laborers'life adaptation; (2) Understand the difficulty or problem the Indonesian family nursing laborers encountered in the adaptation process. (3) Understand the solutions the Indonesian family nursing laborers found to conquer the obstacles they encountered. (4) Hopefully stir people's awareness of the Indonesian family nursing laborers' problems in adapting their lives, as well as to provide the government with reference to its regulatory policy. The conclusions of this study were as follows: (1) As to the pratical working situation of the Indonesian family nursing laborers, their job was mainly in nursing family members and doing the housework in the next place. The difficulties they encounter are nursing skills, getting along with others, language difficulties and unreasonable requests, etc. The support they need comes mainly from their employers. When they have problems, they manage to conquer the problems by themselves. If they fail to solve the problems, they look for support from others. (2) As to the interpersonal relationship of the Indonesian family nursing laborers, most of them get along well with their employers as well as with the nursed ones. Their relationship with people relevant to their job differs according to the subjects. They don't usually take the initiative in making friends with people. Their friends are mostly Indonesian nursing laborers.
起訖頁 31-63
關鍵詞 家庭看護工工作適應人際適應Foreign family nursing laborerWork adaptionInterpersonal adaptation
刊名 區域與社會發展研究  
期數 201012 (1期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學區域與社會發展學系
該期刊-上一篇 從學童之閱讀習慣、閱讀理解能力與自我認知等層面探討閱讀活動實施成效--以臺中市國小五年級學童為例
該期刊-下一篇 國小學童生活壓力與情緒管理之相關研究




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