中文摘要 |
本研究旨在了解男性婚暴者參與開放式處遇團體之反療效因素經驗,及反療效因素經驗於團體階段之變化歷程。以歷程質性研究設計,對三位研究對象進行隔週訪談的資料蒐集。研究結果共得九類因素,將之進一步歸為四大類別,依序為認知、行為、情緒、領導。在認知大類別部分包括護己思考、無法認同學習、適配性低;在行為大類別部分,包括抑制人際回饋、抑制自我揭露、缺乏投入;情緒大類別包括引發負面感受、不信任;領導大類別則有領導者不當一類。反療效因素於不同團體階段變化歷程結果,初階段個人對反療效因素的知覺差異大;中階段時,反療效因素經驗甚高,其中,有兩位研究對象於中階段都較初階段經歷更多反療效因素,直至團體末階段反療效因素的經驗稍減,呈現由高往下微降之曲線;另一位則維持三階段持平均高曲線。此結果顯示婚暴團體成員參與強制團體經驗許多反療效因素經驗,且此經驗具經常性,顯現成員接納團體的緩慢,因之,要發生療效促成改變亦為緩慢。茲將研究發現形成對婚暴強制團體實務及未來研究的建議。The research aims to investigate the anti-therapeutic factors and the changing processes of a IPV mandated batterer treatment program. By means of the qualitative analysis, the data were collected from the interviews with three interviewees every other week. The findings are as follows: the anti-therapeutic factors are classified into 9 categories. With the findings, we analyze them further as four dimensions, cognition, emotion, behavior and leadership. The ranking of anti-therapeutic factors in frequency sequence is cognitive, behavioral, emotional and the leadership dimension. The dimensions of cognition includes the thinking of self-defense, unable identity oneself with others, mismatched task; the dimensions of behavior includes inhabiting feedback, inhabiting self-disclosure, less affiliation; the dimensions of emtion includes inducing negative feeling, distrusting, the dimensions of behavior includes negative counselor intervening. The changing process of anti-therapeutic factors in group phrases: during the beginning phase, the individual differences among research targets are obviously seen, because the research targets' standpoints differ a lot. In the middle phase, two targets reports more anti-therapeutic factors. And they show a slight decrease from the high of the curve in the end of group stage. The third target maintain a high-average curve in all group stages. Synthesize all, these research targets report many anti-therapeutic factors and experiences. The finding shows that batterers need time to accept and get adapted treatment. According to these findings, the researchers make recommendations and implications for the open mandated batterer treatment program and future research. |