英文摘要 |
Other than stress and intonation, pausing has been proposed to be one of the prosodic elements which affect listeners' comprehension. In the field of interpretation, pauses are also considered as the most general index of (dis)fluency in the quality performance of interpreters. Several studies have been conducted to find out the correlations between silent pauses and interpreter's performance comparing non-Chinese languages, usually in the mode of simultaneous or consecutive interpretation. The results showed that silent pause, often measured in duration, frequency, and distribution, was inversely related to fluency. This study thus analyzed the pausing patterns of 20 graduate students with different level of training (9 advanced, 11 beginners). An English passage and its equivalent Chinese version were given to the subjects respectively to be read aloud once, and then the subjects immediately produced two-way sight translations. The results of the whole group revealed that between the two output languages, significant differences existed in pause frequency and distribution, but not for pause duration. Furthermore, it was found that interpreters perform better when working from their passive language into active language than vice versa, supported Lee's (2003) and Pochhacker's (2004) research results. Although Mead only analyzed the factor of pause duration, he found that the pause duration of professionals and students with more training did not differ between languages in terms of silent pauses. Comparing two subgroups, results of this study also show that the more experienced subjects make no noticeable difference on all three pausing parameters while the less trained subjects pause more frequently and ungrammatically in English. This indicates that training does affect subjects' pausing patterns.發音與口語教學的相關文獻指出停頓、重音和語調都是影響聽者理解力的音韻要素。在口譯學領域中,停頓更是判定口譯品質中流暢度的首要指標。近年來一些研究歐美語言的同步或逐步口譯研究指出,靜默停頓與口譯品質之間有一定的關聯性。這些研究結果進一步顯示,靜默停頓經常以停頓時間長短、停頓次數及在句中不當停頓位置的多寡作為衡量,且與流暢度成反比。本研究比較中進英、英進中雙向視譯時譯者的停頓模式,針對20位訓練程度不同的研究生,分析其中英文雙向視譯的停頓現象。研究程序為譯者首先讀過中文原文一次,再將之以英文視譯出來。接下來,英進中也以同樣方式進行,兩段視譯皆做現場錄音。接著,透過電腦軟體的輔助,得以自動計算出個別譯者靜默停頓的長短及次數。藉由將聲音檔翻寫成文字紀錄,以求得不當停頓位置出現的頻率。研究結果顯示,在兩種譯出語之間,只有停頓次數及不當停頓次數有顯著差異,停頓長短則相似。另外,本研究發現,譯者在譯入自己的主動語言時表現較佳,此發現與Lee(2003)及Pochhacker(2004)的研究結果相符。雖然,Mead(2005)的研究只分析停頓長短,他發現專業口譯員及高年級生的靜默停頓長短不因語言而有差異。同樣地,本研究發現,訓練年資較長的對象其停頓長度、停頓次數、錯誤停頓並不因語言而有差異。相反地,訓練年資較短的對象在譯出至英文時,停頓次數及錯誤停頓較多,顯示出訓練長短能左右譯者之停頓模式。 |