英文摘要 |
The basic premise of this body of research is the concept of relevance theory, defined as a framework for understanding EFL college students' difficulties in processing the linguistic devices of English metaphor and poetic effects. According to research reported in second language literature, relevance theory can prove an aide to college English instructors in understanding how and why students majoring in English often have difficult successfully making meaning of non-literal or otherwise sophisticated language that is likely to be encountered in the English classroom, particularly in the areas of English metaphor and poetic effects. Therefore, this paper provides an introduction to relevance theory and includes a review of studies that have investigated the effects of instruction that incorporates varying degrees of literature components from a relevance theoretical perspective. The purpose of this literature review is to offer some suggestions to college English instructors for aiding EFL college students in making meaning more successfully when encountering those occurrences in English literature.在語言表達層面上隱喻(metaphor)是一種心靈與意象傳達的手段,透過隱喻的方式表達對事物感同身受的理解。而這樣的修辭手法常常應用在英文詩歌的寫作中,對於非以英語為母語的人而言,往往存在著許多認知與理解上的障礙。為了解目前台灣大學生對英語詩歌中隱喻的學習成效,本文從關聯理論(Relevance theory)的架構中探究英語非母語的學習者(EFL)在學習英語詩歌中隱喻的認知過程,並針對關聯理論所強調的文脈(context)學習概念,分析EFL學習者在英語詩歌隱喻理解上的困境。從關聯理論的視角,本文提供相關的教學建議,希望藉由縝密的教學設計幫助英語非母語的學習者對英文詩歌的內容知識有更多層面的反思與領悟,進而建立多元的思維,增進其對英文隱喻表達的分析、理解、整合與認知能力。 |