中文摘要 |
在糾紛解決的資源視角下,法院調解資源的投放情況攸關調解的效能。由於缺乏傳統“馬錫五審判方式”所隱含的“熟人權威”資源背景,法官更多通過增加調解工作頻度以彌補熟人資源的缺失,造成了訴訟調解的“內卷化”。地方實踐中的人大代表協助訴訟調解,在人大代表接入調解的正當性基礎上,通過嘗試性話語資源優勢和社會資本優勢,為法院調解提供了“意外”資源支持的機遇結構,在一定程度上改善調解“內卷化”問題。From the perspective of dispute settlement, the allocation of judicial mediation resources concerns the effectiveness of successful mediation. Since the lack of the 'acquaintance authority' that could be found in the traditional Ma Xi-wu trial mode, judges have to employ more mediation practices and result in the involution of judicial mediation. In the local practices, the National People's Congress (NPC) deputies are active in assisting mediation. There is a legitimate role for NPC deputies who not only help to implant external dispute resolution resource by their knowledge, but also contribute to the dispute resolution. |