中文摘要 |
由執政黨提出修憲建議啟動憲法修改,在我國已經成為了一項重要傳統,在促進我國憲法與法治發展及社會和經濟進步方面都起到了積極作用。執政黨提出的修憲建議反映了執政黨的理論創新、路線方針的變化及新的經濟政策。修憲建議的產生程序越來越規範,民主化程度越來越高,修憲建議的提出方式也漸趨固定。但目前提出修憲建議僅限於執政黨,其提出的程序也需要進一步規範。Modification of Constitution triggered by the ruling party's proposal has become a tradition in China which has played an important role in improving constitutional law and legality and enhancing social and economic development. In the amendments to the Constitution put forward by the ruling party, one can readily sense the party's logic creation, modification of advancement ways and adaptation of new policies. The more regular is the process of constitution modification, the higher level of democratic development and consistence of modes to put forward modification proposals. Unfortunately, now only the ruling party plays the role to put forward the proposal. Further, the proposal process should also be regulated. |