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The Chinese Muslim Scholar Wang Daiyu and His Use of Confucian Canons
作者 楊晉龍
本文從經學史的角度歸納分析伊斯蘭教徒王岱輿(1584?-1660?)著作中,引述儒家經典的表現及其學術意義與價值。經由實際閱讀、篩選,確定王岱輿至少在二九六處行文引用三八四次儒家經典,若依《四書》、《十三經》及引述次數多寡排列,則有《論語》、《尚書》、《孟子》、《中庸》、《周易》、《大學》、《禮記》、《詩經》、《左傳》、《孝經》、《周禮》等十一種經典,《四書》引述次數為《五經》一.五倍以上,符合明代重《四書》的學風。引述《孝經》則或與當時江浙地區重視《孝經》的風潮相關。經由分析了解王岱輿認定清真之道纔是終極真理,儒家亦源自清真,後因受語言文字與秦火影響,雖有部分與清真相同,但終究不如清真之近真,故其引述係自覺借用儒家經典為其傳播清真之道服務,儒家經典僅有工具性價值,故稱其為「回儒」或「以儒詮回」並不恰當。王岱輿的引述行為不僅證實儒家經典對宗教著作的滲透及「多元性」解說的經典性,同時也開啟了儒回對話和融合的契機。研究成果對有意了解或探討王岱輿個人思想、寫作目的、引述意義、穆斯林自我定位,以及經學史、思想史、伊斯蘭中國化、伊斯蘭和儒家思想關係等的研究者,或能提供部分有益的參考答案。This paper addresses the Chinese Muslim scholar Wang Daiyu and his use of such Confucian canons as the 'Four Books' and the 'Thirteen Classics' in his works. On top of Wang's cited works is the 'Analects' of Confucius, next to which, in percentage order, are the 'Book of Documents', the 'Mencius', the 'Book of Changes', the 'Great Learning', the 'Book of Rites', the 'Doctrine of the Mean', the 'Classic of Poetry', the 'Chunqiu Zuo zhuan', the 'Classic of Filial Piety', and the 'Zhou Rites'. There are almost twice as many citations from the 'Four Books' as from the 'Five Classics', and this goes quite well with the Ming emphasis on the 'Four Books'. Wang's use of the 'Book of Filial Piety' may be influenced by Jiangsu and Zhejiang's interest in this particular work. Wang not only believed in the Halaal Doctrines as the ultimate Truth, but also thought that Confucianism owed its genesis to the same doctrines. Wang declared that Confucianism deviates from the Halaal Doctrines only because the Qin burned especially the philosophical works that it did not like. Notwithstanding, Wang still employs Confucianism instrumentally to preach Islamism, I do not think it proper to describe Wang as a Muslim Confucian, nor do I deem it correct to argue that Wang intends to use Confucianism to expound Islamism. Citation of Confucian texts in Wang's works, however, bespeaks the powerful influence of Confucianism on other Chinese religions than itself. It has also inaugurated the dialogue between Confucianism and Islamism. I hope that by analyzing Wang's use of Confucianism, one can understand more about his works and the other fields in Chinese canon studies as well.
起訖頁 173-216
關鍵詞 王岱輿伊斯蘭穆斯林經學儒家傳播Wang DaiyuIslamismMuslimChinese canon studiesThe dissemination of Confucianism
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 201309 (43期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 道家的器具存有論--與海德格器具理論之跨文化對話
該期刊-下一篇 錢大昕陳鱣詩稿二種辨偽




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