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Tang Jun-yi on the Perpetual Peace: Horizons and Limits
作者 黃冠閔
經過動亂的二十世紀,人類的共同生活在飽經威脅後,面臨新的挑戰並也投注新的展望。當代中國哲學持續思考此一人類續存問題,其緣由除了源自當代具體歷史經驗外,還包含著中國現代性的轉折與傳統價值調整的要求,唐君毅對永久和平的省思也提供了吾人反省的思想資源。本文從三部分來檢討唐君毅與永久和平論的關聯,第一部分簡略地陳述唐君毅有關和平的論述脈絡,整理其不同作品中的討論線索;第二部分探討唐君毅涉及康德《論永久和平》的基本思路,並以康德的論述為對照,比較兩者的異同;第三部分回到唐君毅獨特的宗教轉向,從其對西方現代性的回應與批判,以彰顯出唐君毅希望樹立文化方向的立場。透過此三部分的檢討,本文標示出唐君毅對文化差異的敏銳觀察,同時指出其和平論欠缺法權論述的開展,但仍在宗教轉向上,注意到文化的公共性;此一公共性的思考仍類似於康德。唐君毅的和平論觸及了世界公民狀態的普世性,也構成思考當代中國哲學與現代性批判的一個向度;人文世界作為公共空間或許能夠為人類共同生活的可能性提供一條思考線索。Having passed through the tumultuous twentieth century, in which our very existence came under severe threat, mankind is still faced with a host of challenges. Numerous possibilities present themselves as well. How to address these challenges and seize these possibilities is the concern of contemporary Chinese philosophy, which has to address these issues not only because of the historical experiences of the Chinese people but also because of the need to adjust traditional values. In this respect, Tang Jun-yi (1909-1978) is representative both of Chinese philosophical contexts and of contemporary Confucian currents, for he provides profound reflections on the possibility of a perpetual peace. This paper treats Tang's thoughts on perpetual peace in three parts. In the first part, I state briefly the context in which Tang mentions the idea of peace. The second part compares and contrasts Tang's views on peace with those expressed in Kant's On Perpetual Peace. In the third part, I consider how Tang's religious viewpoint contrasts with that of Kant, and how it renders a response to and a critique of modernity in giving a cultural orientation. Through these considerations in three parts, I would like to ponder on the space left open by Tang's acute observation of cultural difference. Although Tang, unlike Kant, underestimates the importance of rights in peace, his religious turn pays attention to the public nature of culture, and as such it is in line with Kant's views. Tang's theory of peace touches on cosmopolitan universality and constitutes a meaningful dimension for thinking about contemporary Chinese philosophy and the critique of modernity; Tang's idea of the world of humanity qua public space can provide a clue to thinking about the possibility of human beings living together peacefully.
起訖頁 79-107
關鍵詞 共同體世界公民悠久政治宗教戰爭CommunityCosmopolitanPerpetualPoliticsReligionWar
刊名 中國文哲研究集刊  
期數 201209 (41期)
出版單位 中央研究院中國文哲研究所
該期刊-上一篇 玄牝之門--論眼修在工夫論上之關楗意義
該期刊-下一篇 謝枋得「詩傳注疏」新探




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