中文摘要 |
中國與海洋關係密切,海洋詩學應是一飽含能量的場域,但長久以來卻被忽略擱置。本論文以海洋詩學為題,主要在詮解明清海洋詩學當中世界圖像與天下秩序的不同層次,並檢視詩歌當中潛藏的政治姿勢,全圖將此本應多有曆展卻長久以來為文學史、批評者所忽略的論題,以海洋詩為觀點切入,全圖開拓其重寫文學史、重啟批評對話的端緒。明清海洋詩學充分地體現出無一不可入詩的混雜性(hybridity),與當代文化特質遙相呼應,本論文僅就政治體制相關的層面加以探討。從治世的使節出海、亂世的將軍靖海、末世的孤臣渡海三種角度出發,觀察使節詩歌所蘊涵的政治理想、海戰詩歌的政治圖像,乃至亡國之臣的渡海漂泊身世,就海洋詩作與政治秩序之間的關係加以檢視,並嘗試發覆詩人在詩作中潛藏的心緒,如何託借與海洋相關的意象修辭表露。另外則從當時的社會文化脈絡,重新尋繹古典海洋詩學當中的人生觀與價值信念,及其對今日社會的啟示;中國的海洋詩歌以海洋為中心,又如何在和平、戰爭、理想淨土的追尋等價值選擇中,重新體現自我與他者、中心與周緣位置關係的不同層次。就文字風格而言,俚俗淺易與律呂黃鐘可以同時競唱而互不相害。就作者的組成而言:有使節、武將、細作、理學家、孤臣、遺老,他們體現了不同的信仰與價值追求。海洋不僅是中國古典文學傳統中,一個具有多層次意涵與書寫方式的主題,也是一個具有高度形塑動能與統括視野的美感意境。Many notable works have recorded marine history and the history of cultural exchanges, which highlight the importance of the ocean in Chinese history. However, the interrelation between maritime culture and Chinese literature has been overlooked. I explore the various levels and images of the political order in maritime poetics in the Ming and Qing dynasties in this paper, trying to examine the unexplored issues of the change of political entities in the diversified world order under the tributary system in the Ming dynasty. Due to its hybrid nature, maritime poetics has too many varieties in content to be discussed thoroughly in a paper such as this, which focuses only on the political order reflected in the maritime poetry of Ming and Qing. Three parts constitute this paper: the first part discusses the maritime poetry of those emissaries who crossed the sea in peaceful times, the second analyzes works about sea battles, and the third explicates the voices of the loyalists that faced the sea at the time of the fall of the Ming empire. The varieties of literary works also show that there are countless possibilities in the maritime poetry of Ming and Qing. Also, I examine the mutually illuminating relationship between the self and the other, focusing on the relationship between the change in the world order and literary works in the maritime poetry in the Ming and Qing. A particular achievement of the literature of Ming and Qing, maritime poetry enriches Chinese literature beyond our current knowledge. |