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A Comparative Study of the Effects of In-Situation and Role-Play Trainings on Self-Protection Abilities for Senior High School Female Students with Intellectual Disability |
作者 |
劉文英 |
中文摘要 |
本研究目的有二。首先在發展一套性侵害防治知識課程並探討該課程對增進高職智能 障礙女學生自我保護知識之提升成效;第二為在職業課程中融入角色扮演訓練與實境訓 練,用以比較二者對提升高職智能障礙女學生自我保護技巧與類化技巧之成效差異。研究 方法採用不等組前後測之準實驗設計,針對15 位學生進行知識課程與角色扮演訓練及15 位學生進行知識課程與實境訓練的性侵害防治教學,評量方式採用測驗、角色扮演評量及 實境評量,資料分析採用相依樣本t 考驗及單因子共變數分析。研究結果顯示智能障礙女 學生自我保護知識可由知識課程來提升,而訓練模式採用實境訓練亦或角色扮演訓練的方 式對於自我保護技巧的提升並無差異,然而在類化技巧的表現上,採用實境訓練的成效顯 著高於角色扮演訓練,可見得為要提升智能障礙女學生於真實情境的自我保護技巧,需考 量增加實境訓練則其效果較能達成。 |
英文摘要 |
The first purpose of this study was to develop a sexual-abuse prevention curriculum and examine its effects on promoting self-protection knowledge of senior high school female students with intellectual disabilities studying at special education school. The second purpose was to compare the effects of both role-play and in-situation trainings on those female students’ skills and generalized skills of self-protection. The study applied a pretest- posttest nonequivalent group quasi-experimental design. Thirty female students participated in this study. Of whom, 15 students were assigned as the first experimental group and provided with knowledge curriculum and in-situation training. The other 15 students were assigned as the second experimental group and provided with knowledge curriculum and role-play training. The ability of self-protection was assessed using test, role-play, and in-situation assessment. Data analysis methods included dependent sample t-test and one way analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Results of the study showed that self-protection knowledge of participants was significantly improved and maintained. There was no difference on the performance of self-protection skills between the two groups. However, the performance of generalized self-protection skills to real situations in the group receiving in-situation training was significantly higher than the other group. It was concluded that students with intellectual disability would learn and generalize self-protection skills if the in-situation practices were implemented. |
起訖頁 |
063-092 |
關鍵詞 |
智能障礙、性侵害、實境訓練、角色扮演訓練、自我保護、性教育、intellectual disability、sexual abuse、in-situation training、roleplay training、self-protection, sexuality education |
刊名 |
特殊教育學報 |
期數 |
201412 (40期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
口吃相關議題之網路口碑分析 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
訓練特殊教育教師二種刺激偏好評量之成效研究 |