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A Study on Stuttering Related Issues Shared in Messages on Websites of Stuttering Taiwanese |
作者 |
楊淑蘭 |
中文摘要 |
本研究旨在探討臺灣網路留言分享口吃相關議題的口吃族群為何?且其關心的議題為 何?本研究利用網路探勘技術擷取臺灣口吃者自2005 年5 月1 日至2010 年5 月1 日之網 頁資料,有效樣本為2,713 篇,所有網頁文本資料歸納出六個構念,共24 個內容特徵詞, 再進行對應分析。研究結果發現社會人士是網路上最活躍的口吃者,其次是成年口吃學生, 再其次是無法分辨身分的口吃者,而未成年口吃學生分享最少。再者,未成年口吃學生最 常分享口吃事件時的個人負向反應;成年口吃學生和無法辨認身分之口吃者則對口吃事件 的個人正向反應描述較多;而口吃社會人士則重視口吃支持團體。綜而言之,年紀是影響 口吃者適應口吃的重要因素,年紀較大的口吃者對口吃的態度較正面,因而分享較多正向 經驗;而描述口吃事件之個人負向反應是所有口吃者都會分享的主要內容之一,表示口吃 對口吃者都曾經有過負面影響,而其對未成年口吃學生的負向影響最大。使用網路口碑分 析可發現不同口吃族群關心的議題不同,背景相近者其關心的議題亦較為接近,之後,實 務工作者可根據不同身份口吃者關心之議題,提供其所需之服務。 |
英文摘要 |
This study aimed to explore what thestuttering related issues of stuttering Taiwanese shared in the messages on the Internet were and which groups they were identified. By web-mining technology, the stuttering related messages left on the local websites from May 1, 2005 to May 1, 2010 by the stuttering Taiwanese were collected. Two thousand seven hundred and thirteen valid samples from four stuttering groups were found. All the data were grouped into 24 feature words in six domains which related to stuttering for a correspondence analysis. The results showed that among the four stuttering groups, the worker group was most active, following by senior student and unidentifiable group. The junior students had fewest messages left on the websites. In terms of feature word, the junior students shared their negative reactions in stuttering events more often than the other issues. However, the senior students and the unidentifiable stutterers expressed their positive reactions in stuttering events more often than the others. Furthermore, the worker group valued the issue which related to self-support groups most. Conclusively, the issue of negative reactions in stuttering events was the main one shared by all the four groups who stuttered in Taiwan. It seems that stuttering negatively impacts on the stuttering individuals somehow, and age is the critical factor which influences how stuttering people cope with their stuttering. The older stuttering adults had more optimistic attitudes toward stuttering, and shared more positive experiences than the younger stuttering students did. For Taiwanese who have stuttering, word-of-mouth analysis seems helpful to understand their concerns shared in web. |
起訖頁 |
035-062 |
關鍵詞 |
口吃、網路口碑、網路探勘技術、對應分析、stuttering、word-of-mouth、web-mining technology、correspondence analysis |
刊名 |
特殊教育學報 |
期數 |
201412 (40期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
正向事件解釋風格、提升式希望感與復原力之模式驗證:以學習障礙學生為例 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
比較採用實境訓練與角色扮演訓練的性侵害防治課程對智能障礙高職女學生自我保護能力提升成效之研究 |