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Conceptual and Empirical Analyses of Postmodern Ethics: A Psychological Model
作者 余德慧
In response to postmodern individualization, a psychological model is proposed to clarify the three facets of ethics: existential, practical, and social. The existential facet refers to the primary moments of face-to-face encounter between oneself and Other. This first facet is always eclipsed by the practical facet of ethics, which highlights necessary situational actions. The social facet is composed of normative ideas and dogmas, and usually emerges as dominant over the other two. In this treatise I first discuss the inception of ethics and contrast divinization, which is mostly found in western religious traditions, and self-cultivation, which is presented mostly in Chinese Confucian schools, as two modes of the subsequent development of ethics. Second, I review three psychological studies on parent-child relationships, prostitution, and hospice care to demonstrate the interaction of the three facets in human experience. This study delineates the formation of modern ethics and reveals the primacy of the existential facet in postmodern ethics.
起訖頁 157-196
關鍵詞 存有原初倫理行事倫理社會倫理後現代倫理倫理心理學總攝性倫理ethical psychologypostmodern ethicspractical ethicssocial ethicstotalized ethics
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200012 (14期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 華人傳統價值觀與組織行為之關係--以臺灣資訊電子業研發人員為例
該期刊-下一篇 和諧中變革:易經與華人的心理輔導




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