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The Sociocultural and Psychodynamic Processes Involved in Rape Behavior: I. Theoretical Analysis
作者 黃軍義 (Jiun-Yih Huang)
The crime of rape has been of great concern to the public in recent years, but there has been little theoretical and empirical analysis of this crime. In this article I construct an indigenously oriented theoretical framework of the psychodynamics of rape from four perspectives: sociocultural, psychological, situational, and behavioral. The sociocultural perspective identifies the Chinese social and cultural factors that facilitate rape behavior. The psychological perspective indicates that the individual’s cognition, emotion, motivation, intention, experience, and personality will all have an influence on the formation of rape. Generally speaking, there are three major kinds of relevant motivation: compensation, retaliation, and sensation-seeking. The situational perspective suggests that offenders take safety, secrecy, and the risk of the situation into account to decide whether action is taken. The behavioral perspective claims that the action of rape is determined by the individual’s intention, personality, and situation, and their interaction. The final formation of a Chinese male’s rape behavior is due to the combination and interaction of factors from all the four perspectives.
起訖頁 3-54
關鍵詞 社會文化層次因素個人心理層次因素個人行為層次因素強姦行為情境層次因素rape behaviorbehavioral factorpsychological factorsituational factorsocial-cultural factor
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200006 (13期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-下一篇 強姦犯罪的心理歷程:(2)實徵驗證




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