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A Research of the Relationship of Trans-ethnic Mountain Legends: on Mô-sîn-á, Xuhai and Dongyuan(Maljipa) in Mudan Township, Pingtung County
作者 林和君
The co-existence of the Han and indigenous people in Taiwan leads to the cultural interaction and mutual influence during decades, and this phenomenon can be discovered especially through their orature tradition. For example, the legend of 魔神仔 spread among the Min'nan and Hakka societies overlaps the indigenous orature. What is the relationship between these imagination of the the Han and indigenous societies? Do the Han and indigenous societies actually share certain cultural imagination? Does one influence another because of their co-existence during such long periods? Do Han and indigenous societies refer to the same cultural image when it comes to the similar imagination of their orature? Can this cultural image in fact be trans-cultural and trans-ethnic? On this ground, this study takes the multiethnic society Xuhai and Dongyuan(Maljipa) in which circulates the legend of Negrito as examples, and analyzes the meaning of the trans-ethnic mountain legend through the methodology of field work.
起訖頁 85-126
關鍵詞 閩南客家排灣族魔神仔小黑矮人Min'nanHakkaPaiwanMô-sîn-áNegrito
刊名 台灣原住民族研究  
期數 201403 (7:1期)
出版單位 東華大學原住民民族學院
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