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Value, Time, Choice and Theory: Cesare Brandi's Philosophy of Restoration and the Classification of Antiques in the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act of the R.O.C.
作者 劉怡蘋
This study sets out to clarify the categorization of Antiques in the Cultural Heritage Preservation Act of the Republic of China (hereafter referred to as 'the Act') through the Italian philosopher in restoration. Cesare Brandi's theory of restoration. Under the examination based on Brandi's 'three instances', 'triple-layer time,' and two prominent 'reference systems,' the key value for some of the 'arts' and most of the 'utensils of life or civility' in the category of antiques is not defined clearly. In addition, the 'categories' included in the Declaration Table for Antiques Registry and Designation does not convey the 'value' of antiques, the 'standard' and the 'attribution' do not echo each other, and moreover, 'the description of the characteristics' does not bring out the 'positioning.' Consequently, the term 'antiques' fails to capture and present the tangible and intangible value of an object, and is thus unable to come into people's mind. This article suggests that under the framework of the Act, 'categorization,' just like 'restoration', reflects people's interpretation of 'antiques'. It could be said that 'categorization' is a re-creation of cultural heritage. Therefore, it is necessary to encourage discussion and research focusing on the nature and characteristics of 'antiques,' then establish the methodology for emphasizing and promoting the defined value of the 'arts,' 'utensils of life or civility,' 'books and documents,' and ' other antiques' – the four major categories of antiques defined in the Act. Subsequently, it will help determine the approach and manner for antique preservation, and eventually provide appropriate and comprehensive protection for 'antiques' through the registration and designation.
起訖頁 127-156
關鍵詞 布朗帝修復哲學文化資產保存法古物分類Cesare Brandirestoration philosophythe Cultural Heritage Preservation Actantiquescategorization
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 201406 (8期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
該期刊-上一篇 德國現代教堂建築在臺灣:哥特佛瑞德.波姆(Gottfried Bohm)的菁寮聖十字堂與學甲天主堂
該期刊-下一篇 由微觀陳達《思想起》看臺灣民歌的「再創造」




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