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德國現代教堂建築在臺灣:哥特佛瑞德.波姆(Gottfried Bohm)的菁寮聖十字堂與學甲天主堂
German Modern Church Architecture in Taiwan: The Jing Liao Holy Cross Church and the Xue Jia Catholic Church Designed by Gottfried Böhm
作者 于禮本
著名的德國建築師哥特佛瑞德.波姆(Gottfried Böhm)曾為臺南菁寮與學甲地區設計了兩座教堂。從德國藝術史與文化宗教史的角度觀之,它們不但屬於波姆1950-1960 年代中的「城中城」教堂類型,且其中許多建築語彙及設計理念,如基督中心論,是源自深受禮儀改革運動影響的父親多米尼庫斯.波姆(Dominikus Böhm)。波姆父子利用華蓋結構、玻璃牆與迴廊等強調出聖祭禮、洗禮與會眾共體的意義與重要性,傳達宗教信仰的象徵與內涵。這兩件聖堂設計清楚呈現出波姆父子作品中的承傳與創新、德國現代教堂建築的演變、宗教禮儀改革運動的精神,以及梵二公會對教堂建築的影響。
This study investigates the church designs for Tainan Jing Liao and Xue Jia villages by Gottfried Böhm from the aspects of German art history, cultural and religious history. While the designs of these two churches are classified as the type of 'a town within a town' attributed to Böhm's works, many architectural expressions and design concept, e.g. the Christocentrism, were originated from his father Dominikus Böhm. Dominikus Böhm was a leading church architect who was deeply affected by the contemporary liturgical movements. Through ways of baldachin-like structure, glass wall and ambulatory, the church designs of the Böhms convey delicately the essential significance of the Eucharist, baptism and the image of the Body of Christ consisting of the whole congregation. The church designs for Jing Liao and Xue Jia in Taiwan demonstrate not only how the young Böhm transformed the legacy which he received from his father with his personal artistic expressions, but also reflect the development of the contemporary German modern church architecture, the influence of liturgical movements, and finally the new tendency of church architecture after the second Vatican Council.
起訖頁 83-125
關鍵詞 哥特佛瑞德.波姆菁寮學甲現代教堂建築禮儀改革運動Gottfried BöhmJing LiaoXue JiaModern Church ArchitectureLiturgical Movement
刊名 南藝學報  
期數 201406 (8期)
出版單位 國立臺南藝術大學
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