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Meanings and Processes of Wisdom
作者 楊世英
智慧(wisdom)是人類生命與文化中精華的產物;有智慧的作為往往能修正人生方向、提升生活品質、消弭人際衝突、增益社群福祉。迄今智慧文獻中少有對東亞文化的智慧或是日常生活中真實展現的智慧進行探討。本研究旨在容納東西方文化對智慧之看法,進而建構智慧理論,並嘗試以實徵資料來驗證。在探討智慧文獻後,研究發現西方文化受到其從希臘以降之傳統哲思的影響,對智慧的看法偏重認知;而東方文化,尤其是華夏文化,受其既有宇宙觀的影響,對智慧較傾向於整合的看法,認為智慧除了認知之外,還包含了個體的行動與情境中的其他因素。本研究將智慧定義為現實生活中個體在經由思考上統整,透過具體實踐,為個體本身和他人帶來正面的影響之歷程。在研究方法上,藉由向台灣北、中、南、東等地區不同年齡、專業訓練及教育程度的人大量發放智慧者提名問卷。透過80 位研究參與者的提名,就其所提供之提名理由加以分析與評分,顯示了智慧的歷程包含統整、行動實踐與正面影響三個要素。此外,針對被提名者的基本資料進行調查,發現在台灣華人的社群中被提名為有智慧的人多為具有較高教育水準的中年到壯年之男性。本研究結果與所顯示的歷程要素與探究個體實際展現智慧之研究結果相呼應。
Western conceptions of wisdom emphasize cognition while Eastern ones tend to hold a more synthetic view. This study incorporates both Eastern and Western conceptions and proposes to define wisdom as a process that emerges after a person cognitively makes an unusual integration, embodies ideas in action, and brings about positive results for both self and others. The proposed process view of wisdom was tested with an open-ended survey of 80 Taiwanese Chinese from a diverse range of occupations and age groups (31-61), from all over Taiwan. Participants nominated wise individuals and provided reasons for their nominations. Results of a qualitative analysis and ratings of two raters showed that wisdom is perceived to be a process with three core components─integration, embodiment, and positive effects. Sixty-six of the 70 individuals indicated as wise by participants agreed to provide their background information. Most were well-educated, middle-aged men. The process view of wisdom was supported.
起訖頁 185-237
關鍵詞 台灣華人正面影響行動實踐問卷研究統整提名法智慧華夏文化評分者信度Chinese culturenomination methodquestionnaireTaiwanwisdom
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200804 (30期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 諮商中伴侶關係的自我協調歷程
該期刊-下一篇 華人性格特質七因素模式之結構不變性的檢驗




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