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Maintaining Quality of Marriage : The Mediating Effect of Conflict and Ren(Tolerance) for Taiwanese Married Couples
作者 利翠珊 (Tsui-Shan Li)蕭英玲 (Ying-Ling Hsiao)
Although literature has suggested destructive conflict resolution behaviors are harmful to marriage, it has ignored one important coping strategy for Chinese people in face of interpersonal conflict-ren(tolerance). This study tested whether conflict and ren behaviors mediate associations between affection / belief and quality of marriage among Taiwanese couples. Data were used from a sample of 352 married couples aged 20-73 of which 70% had children under 18, drawn from a study conducted in the Taipei area. Relations among affection (intimacy and en-ching), beliefs in ren (beneficence, utility, mercy, commitment), conflict behavior (attack and complain), ren behavior (repression, receptiveness, and endurance), and marital quality (satisfaction and stability) were examined. Structural equation models showed the mediating effects of conflict and ren behaviors. The results indicated that husbands and wives who have more affection for their spouse and hold stronger beliefs in ren tend to adopt frequently ren coping strategy in dealing with marital disputes. Engaging more ren behavior was related to less conflict behavior and less conflict behavior was associated with higher levels of marital quality. Ren behavior had an indirect association with the evaluation of the marriage by curtailing conflict behavior.
起訖頁 77-116
關鍵詞 忍讓婚姻品質華人文化衝突Chinese cultureconflictmarital qualityren
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200804 (30期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 邁向發聲之路:上下關係中「忍」的歷程與自我之轉化
該期刊-下一篇 諮商中伴侶關係的自我協調歷程




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