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The Truth is Beyond Words: Reflection on the Mourning Processes of Earthquake Survivors from the Perspective of Ethical Turn Healing
作者 林耀盛 (Yaw-Sheng Lin)
Western psychotherapy relies on a foundation of natural science to uncover the laws of nature that transcend time, place, and culture. However, it is technical rather than ethical, and neglects the spiritual and existential dimensions of psychotherapy (such as mythology, folklore, and ritual healing). This study first characterizes the epistemic approaches underlying modern science and philosophy through Stephen Pepper's world hypothesis theory and examines the different archetypes and metaphors of the helper from a historical viewpoint. Next, interviews with 20 bereaved survivors of the September 21, 1999 earthquake in central Taiwan collected over a three- year period after the disaster were analyzed using an interpretive interaction methodology. The recovery processes was interpreted with the Gestalt vision, which occurs in the situatedness of 'the analytical triad'. The healing strategies of the survivors were analyzed through the rhetorical tradition of the 3 doctrines, namely, Logos, Pathos, and Ethos in order to understand the possibilities for post-traumatic growth through the interaction of intrapsychic and social processes in a bereaved state of mind. Finally, the conceptual model of the 'ethical turn healing perspective' (ETHP) is proposed. The ETHP requires identifying new metaphors to account for human suffering, challenges the naturalism orientation, and underscores that it is the ethical rather than the technical that is the touchstone for human existence. The ETHP contrasts with the dominant models of the mourning process ('the grief work perspective', 'the don't worry be happy perspective', and 'the middle-of-the-road perspective'), which reduce the rich and varied complexities of the human world and moral activity to causal substrates.
起訖頁 259-317
關鍵詞 創傷療癒EthoshealingLogosPathostrauma
刊名 本土心理學研究  
期數 200506 (23期)
出版單位 心理出版社
該期刊-上一篇 華人高階管理者網絡中的特殊連帶與人際情感:深層心理契合與正式工作關係的效果
該期刊-下一篇 犯罪少年刺青行為的調查研究




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