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China's Rare Earth Hegemony in China-EU Partnership
作者 黃子庭
中國大陸一向為全世界第一大稀土供應國,近年來雖然供給量略有下降,出口供應量從97.3%下降到85%左右,卻仍然能左右全球稀土的供給。因此稀土向來被中國視為極重要的戰略資源,不但影響到中國國內本身的供應,更能對稀土需求殷切的國家如歐盟、美國、日本等進行制裁,因此被視為能賦予中國在國際舞台上發言權的重要利器與進行「資源外交」的工具。例如2010 年中國在釣魚台中日撞船事件中,便對日本施以限制其稀土進口量作為制裁,而近來中國大陸更警覺稀土的供應量過大而採取出口配額等政策,使得歐盟、美國、日本不滿,而於2012 年向WTO 提起稀土案訴訟控告中國大陸。在中國稀土政策與國際關係方面,自習近平上台以來便不斷強調新大國關係,將歐洲視為重要策略夥伴,中歐關係也邁入另一新里程。在中歐關係中,經貿外交向被視為三大重要支柱之一,稀土供需與貿易在雙方的經濟關係中自然扮演極重要角色,由於歐盟意識到必須擺脫對中國的稀土依賴,才能增加自身的能源安全。然而,如何確保歐盟的供應安全以應軍需等工業之所求,對歐盟而言必須檢視有哪些更廣博的政策與途徑以作為因應。弔詭的是,部分歐盟的稀土策略仍然可能必須建立在與中國大陸的合作上。因此本文將分析究竟在這場稀土博弈遊戲中,對中歐合作關係而言有哪些變數值得檢視,例如中國的稀土戰略與政策之演變、中歐合作動機與利得與2014 WTO 對稀土案的判決等,並據此推估未來在中歐關係中,歐盟如何擺脫其依賴式的資源外交。
China supplies almost all rare earth elements needed in the world. Although recently the supply amount descended from 97.3% to 85%, it still dominates the origins of rare earth production globally. Meanwhile, rare earth is viewed as important strategic material that not only affects supply security of domestic industry but also exerts as a vocal instrument in international stage and to give trade sanctions to U.S., EU and Japan. Right after the 2010 ship collision event in Diaoyutai Islands, China gave Japan an limitation on import in rare earth from China. Moreover, China was cautious about export amount may exhaust its rare earth and adopted export restriction such as export quota. This made U.S., EU, Japan and other countries worry about their import security and appeal complaints to WTO over dispute in rare earth complaint with China in 2012. In terms of China's international relations, China-EU relation is one of the ‘new type of great powers relationship' that Xi Jinpin laid much stressed on. Since economy and trade diplomacy was one of the pillars of, China-EU relation, the rare earth trade played a very vital a critical role in bilateral economy and security relationships. EU perceived that it should escape the predicament of rare earth dependence on China. However, it should check the broad approaches and policies to ensure its rare earth supply. Paradoxically, part of EU's strategies still has to establish on cooperation with China. This paper will analyze the factors underlying rare earth game in China-EU partnership, such as the evolutions of China's rare earth policy and 2014 WTO resolution on DS431'China-Rare Earth' so as to assess how EU should break through the current dilemma.
起訖頁 39-58
關鍵詞 稀土霸權中歐關係克瓦納灣計畫共同改革China-EU partnershipRare earth hegemonyThe Kvanefjeld projectco-evolution
刊名 東亞論壇  
期數 201506 (488期)
出版單位 大華科技大學商務與觀光管理學院
該期刊-上一篇 投資風格對風險調整報酬的影響--台股之實證分析
該期刊-下一篇 文化遺址法規及管理之研究




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