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A Study on the Impacts of Investment Styles on Risk-Adjusted Returns - Evidences on TSE Stocks
作者 陳尚武顏榳均莊可欣黃麟翔
This study explores the impact of value-growth investment styles on risk-adjusted returns of TSE-listed stocks. We use three widely-used benchmark factors for value-growth investment styles, which are price-book ratios (PBR), price-sales ratios (PSR), and price-earnings ratios (PER). In addition, the Sharpe ratio is used as a proxy of risk-adjusted returns in our investigation. Our ANOVA findings show that the average Sharpe ratios of various factor levels are not identical significantly for all the three respective factors, PBR, PSR and PER. In other words, various degrees of value-growth investment style have significant impact on risk-adjusted returns of stocks. In general, the lower the levels of three factors are, the higher the risk-adjusted returns will be. However, we find this performance trend stability is the highest for PBR, next for PER, and the lowest for PSR. It is also notable that the average Sharpe ratio of the lowest PE level group is abnormally low, showing that investors tend to cast relatively poor risk-adjusted evaluation on listed companies with negative earnings.
起訖頁 27-37
關鍵詞 投資風格風險調整報酬標股價淨值比股價營收比本益比Investment StylesRisk-Adjusted ReturnsPrice-Book RatiosPrice-Sales RatiosPrice-Earnings Ratios
刊名 東亞論壇  
期數 201506 (488期)
出版單位 大華科技大學商務與觀光管理學院
該期刊-上一篇 數位匯流發展之相關研究:跨國資料分析
該期刊-下一篇 中國稀土霸權下的中歐夥伴關係博奕




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