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A Comparison of the Occupational Stress among Special Education Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments
作者 李永昌
The purposes of the study were to investigate and compare the sources, effects, and coping strategies of occupational stress among the blind school, resource classroom, and itinerant teachers of students with visual impairments. Procedures. Three groups of 4 special education teachers of students with visual impairments participated in the pilot study, whereas 60 special education teachers of the blind school, 50 of the resource classroom, and 41 of the itinerant teachers in formal study. Pilot Results. The range of reliabilities was from .74 to .95 for the whole inventory and its subscales. The validity was .81 for the inventory. Factor analysis yielded four factors-school factor, pupil characteristics, workload issues, and career issues. Formal Results. First, the formal study showed that there were significant differences regarding the sources and the effects of occupational stress among special education teachers of the blind school, resource classroom, and itinerary. Next, there was no significant difference among the coping strategies used by special education teachers of the blind school, resource classroom, and itinerary. Finally, the sources, effects, and coping strategies of the occupational stress could discriminate significantly among special education teachers of the blind school, resource classroom, and itinerary. Recommendations. Further research studies with a larger sample or random sampling are recommended. Second, future studies might investigate more useful coping strategies provided by the school in addition to the personal strategies that were listed on the invebtory. A qualitative approach, for example, interview, besides open-ended questions might be helpful for collecting such information. Third, due to the weak classification result in the current research study, a discriminant analysis with equal group sizes and dependent variables other than source, effect, and coping strategy is recommended if further research studies hope to focus on this area. Finally, further study would examine the source and effect of the occupational stress of special education teachers of itinerary. It might be helpful for understanding why the source and offect of the occupational stress of special education teachers of itinerary were different from that of other groups of special education teachers of students with visual impairments.
起訖頁 219-244
關鍵詞 視障教育教師工作壓力
刊名 特殊教育與復健學報  
期數 199906 (7期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學特殊教育學系
該期刊-上一篇 學齡前兒童國語語音閾語詞之編製
該期刊-下一篇 台灣省國高中弱視學生騎機車及自行車能力及態度調查研究




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