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The Way of Using Simplicity to Control Complexity for Legal Studies— A Concept Guideline and System Framework with Criminal Jurisprudence as The Center
作者 李永瑞
As everyone knows, the statutes and regulations of law are like the hairs of ox, but the legal affairs of human society are especially every changing. However, “Lao-Tzu” Chapter says : “The Way that can be experienced easily is not the eternal Way. The Concept that can be constructed is not the eternal Concept.” “The Great Learning” Chapter “The Way of the Great Learning” says: “Things have the fundamental and the incidental. Affairs have the ending and the beginning, knowing what comes first and after will take closer to the Way.” Eventually, These Books have pointed out the way of holding simplicity to control complexity for dealing with the legal affairs of human society. This article will explore the way of holding simplicity to control complexity of these books, and associate the beginner of the legal study can master the way of holding simplicity to control complexity for the legal study in order to gain the benefits of “studying basically and reaching highly”.
起訖頁 23-47
關鍵詞 老子物有本末事有終始執簡御繁下學上達Lao-TzuThe WayThings Have the Fundamental and the IncidentalAffairs Have the Ending and the BeginningHolding Simplicity to Control ComplexityStudying Basically and Reaching Highly
刊名 臺中教育大學學報:人文藝術類  
期數 201406 (28:1期)
出版單位 國立臺中教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 論朱子詮釋〈國風〉怨刺詩之教化意涵
該期刊-下一篇 自知與自律——談漢字教學教師應有的知能




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