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The Analysis of Rational Choice Institutionalism of Charity Fundraising Systems in Taiwan
作者 陳定銘 (Ting-Ming Chen)陳彥蓉 (Yen-Jung Chen)
Since the establishment of the Law of Charity Fundraising on the 17th of May, 2006, the government in Taiwan has been placing a high value on the legalization of charity fundraising systems. However, the events of charity fundraising in Taiwan are usually questioned and disputed by the public. Hence the charity fundraising systems need to be revised to make them complete. Through Rational Choice Institutionalism, a study of New Institutionalism. The findings of the research are: In the self-interest-oriented emphasis on corporate tax savings associated with increased exposure, attention to specific issues facing altruistic fundraising charity fundraising platform and development assistance agencies, and social exchange for the emphasis on corporate social responsibility and fulfill NPO access to resources, and the resources and the plight of marginalized cultivation of long-term rational donors. As for National corporations and associations have a clearer understanding of the Law of Charity Fundraising; Local nonprofit organizations have better knowledge to raise funds effectively and highly require 'self-discipline' of themselves. The diversity between the attributes of nonprofits will lead to different ways of management and difficulties. As well as Fundraising of certain causes can only arouse a short period of public enthusiasm. The long run of fundraising still depends on donations in small amounts in the long term.
起訖頁 1-28
關鍵詞 非營利組織公益勸募理性選擇制度主義Nonprofit OrganizationCharity FundraisingRational Choice Institutionalism
刊名 法治與公共治理學報  
期數 201412 (2期)
出版單位 翰蘆
該期刊-下一篇 地方環境治理中利害關係人確認與網絡互動分析模式--以臺東美麗灣度假村BOT開發案為例




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