中文摘要 |
目前市面上常見家用日光燈中的螢光粉,包括有鹵磷酸鈣與三基色兩大類,本研究收集分析國內廢日光燈回收廠產生之螢光粉與三基色日光燈製造商產生之廢螢光粉,以了解此兩種螢光粉之組成差異,並藉由兩者稀土銪釔元素含量多寡,來推估我國廢日光燈回收廠所處理廢日光燈管中,鹵磷酸鈣與三基色兩大類之比例分布。本研究所進行之螢光粉成分分析項目包括:篩分、比重、水份、灰份、可燃份及銪、釔及鋁金屬含量(方法:ICP,SEM-EDS,XRD)分析。本研究成果顯示,製造商「三基色螢光粉」篩分結果大都介於在50mesh(0.297mm)~100mesh(0.149mm),其重量百分比為75.37%,另其水份、灰份、可燃份及比重依序為0%、99.43%、0.57%及3.71,而三基色螢光粉銪、釔及鋁之全含量依序為16,428mg/kg、231,521mg/kg、8,034mg/kg。另國內廢日光燈回收廠產生之「回收混合螢光粉」篩分結果大都介於在100mesh(0.149mm)以下,其重量百分比為96.89%,此螢光粉之水份、灰份、可燃份及比重依序為0.06%、99.86%、0.08%及2.78,而銪、釔、鋁之全含量依序為2,052mg/kg、30,500mg/kg、6,179mg/kg,由上可知,製造商三基色螢光粉之銪、釔及鋁之全含量均高於廢日光燈回收廠螢光粉之銪、釔及鋁全含量,且本研究據此推估國內回收廠平均回收處理每八支廢日光燈管中就有一支是三基色日光燈。 |
英文摘要 |
Currently, the market for household fluorescent phosphors includes two categories: trichromatic fluorescent lamps and halogen calcium phosphate fluorescent lamps. In this study, waste fluorescent lamp phosphor produced at a domestic waste recycling plant and manufactured trichromatic fluorescent lamp powder were collected and comparatively screened to measure the specific gravity, moisture and ash content, and combustible components, and to conduct a content analysis (ICP, SEM-EDS, XRD) of the metal components Eu, Y, and Al. An analysis of the tricolor fluorescent powder revealed that most of the screening results ranged between 50mesh (0.297 mm) and 100mesh (0.149 mm). The content of Eu, Y, and Al was 16428, 231521 and 8034 mg/kg, respectively. In these samples, the weight percentage, moisture content, ash content, combustible components and specific gravity were 75.37%, 0%, 99.43%, 0.57% and 3.71 g/cm³, respectively. When the fluorescent lamp phosphor produced at the waste recycling plant was screened, the results ranged mostly below 100 mesh (0.149 mm). The analysis revealed that the content of Eu, Y, and Al was 2052, 30500 and 6179 mg/kg, respectively. In these samples, the weight percentage, moisture content, ash content, combustible components, and specific gravity were 96.89%, 0.06%, 99.86%, 0.08%, and 2.78 g/cm^3, respectively. These results reveal that the manufactured tricolor fluorescent phosphor exhibited a higher Eu, Y, and Al content compared with that obtained from the recycled fluorescent lamp phosphor. The findings of this study indicate that the average domestic recycling plant can recycle one trichromatic fluorescent lamp for every eight fluorescent lamp tubes. |