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The Exploring of the Habitual Domains of Peter Drucker%2C the Father of Modern Management
作者 朱國明李燕萍
管理學大師彼得•杜拉克(Peter Drucker)最受全世界管理界推崇的是他對社會、政治、經濟,甚至於個人對趨勢的洞悉與遠見、對經營管理的原理,都有深入淺出的看法,也因其對管理學的獨到創見,因而被譽為「現代管理學之父」。彼得杜拉克的成功,最了不起的地方是在於他對環境時時保持一顆警覺的心、對於新事物虛心學習的態度、樂於與人分享、堅毅的人格特質,以及其心目中習慣領域的理想境界。因此,本研究希望透過習慣領域的解析,以得知彼得杜拉克在造就他其偉大的成就的過程中,生歷階段中的七個光明信念、八個擴展習慣領域的方法,以及九個深智慧原理等邁向理想習慣領域的三大工具箱;希望藉由本研究分析與探討,進而啟發並開發我們自己的習慣領域,以達到理想習慣領域的境界。
Peter Drucker, known as "father of modern management", has received admires from his inimitable opinion of management and having insight into society, politics, economics and the theory of management and operation. Peter Drucker's success attributed to his mindful thought of the surroundings, the humble attitude of learning, the willingness of sharing, the qualities of perseverance and the ideal state of habitual domains. The purpose is to make people have better understanding of Peter Drucker's rowing process, daily life, personality and traits, acting styles, educational philosophy as well as his contribution to management areas. Using the framework of Habitual Domains, especially the three important "tool boxes"-Seven bright attitudes, Eight methods for expanding your habitual domains, and Nine principles of deep knowledge, we will explore Peter Drucker's life, which will help us to take full advantage of habitual domains to nurture our minds, enrich our behaviors and moreover, to achieve the ideal state of habitual domains.
起訖頁 127-143
關鍵詞 習慣領域彼得•杜拉克管理學之父生歷階段Habitual Domains HDPeter DruckerFather of ManagementCareer Stages
刊名 習慣領域期刊  
期數 201106 (2:2期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會
該期刊-上一篇 王永慶之人生三部曲




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