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How to Apply Habitual Domains Theory to Jing-Si Teaching
作者 黃漢昌
本文從習慣領域的光明心態出發,旨在結合靜思語教學,以推闡習慣領域學說在教學現場之應用。多年來,台灣的學校教育多因襲外國,教學法也不例外。而「靜思語教學」則純粹出自台灣本土,由於靜思語內容警策,簡短易記,加以慈濟人努力的推動,在台灣中小學影響漸增,如能與習慣領域學說結合,學生更能左右逢源,兩者可謂相得益彰。本文旨在闡述以「習慣領域學說」結合「靜思語教學」的可能途徑。游伯龍教授所創的習慣領域學說,兼採腦神經與心理學的研究結果,將人腦細胞的運作比喻成電網(circuit patterns),大腦電網的特性之一是:「使用越多,電網越多、越強,也越容易被取出。」如何使有用的知識、態度、能力等,在學生需要時能易於取用甚至自動呈現,是教學上必須認真思考的事情。「靜思語教學」則是以慈濟創辦人證嚴法師的《靜思語》為主要教材,由於語錄簡短扼要,便於記誦,大人、小孩均能朗朗上口(如:「君子量大,小人氣大」、「行善行孝不能等」),因為經常使用,這些話語便形成強烈的電網,在具體情境中容易被取用。由於語錄本於光明心態,與習慣領域強調光明心態之培養,可謂殊途同歸。按:「習慣領域」學說有三個重要的工具箱,即所謂「七光」(七個光明心態)、「八擴」(八種擴展途徑)、「九深」(九個深度原理),不但是個人習慣領域之擴大,也是生命高度的提升,這與《靜思語》轉壽命為慧命的思維理念,可以相互融通、互為發明。限於篇幅,本文僅以「七光」為例,首先依「七光」的理念來選錄《靜思語》相關內容,以見二者之內涵關聯;其次,舉兩個真實故事,由事論理,以彰顯理論與實踐之密切相關,試為「習慣領域」與「靜思語教學」之可能結合做一說明。
This article intends to integrate Jing-Si teaching and Habitual Domains (HD) education. We start with the seven bright life attitudes of HD.The educational system in Taiwan has followed that in countries such as the United States. The teaching method is no exception. However, Jing-Si teaching is originated and keeps developing in Taiwan. The teaching method involves short phrases that are easy to recite and is gaining popularity in primary and secondary schools. This article demonstrates how Jing-Si teaching can be incorporated into HD theory.Circuit pattern hypothesis of HD states that thoughts or ideas are represented by circuit patterns of the brain. The circuit patterns will be reinforced when the corresponding ideas are repeated. The stronger the circuit patterns, the more easily the corresponding are returned in our thinking and behavior. One important thing for the educators is to teach the students using the knowledge stored in their brains.Jing-Si teaching utilizes Jing-Si Aphorisms as its main material. Since the phrases are brief, most of the people are able to recite them. Such frequent usage leads to strong circuit patterns in their brains and increases the likelihood of applying the Jing-Si positive attitude to real-life situations.According to the HD theory, there are three important "tool boxes"-The seven bright life attitudes (七光), the eight methods to expand HD (八擴), and the nine principles for deep knowledge (九深). This article focuses on the seven bright life attitudes and illustrates how these attitudes could be learned by way of Jing-Si teaching. Two real-life stories are included to enhance understanding of the application of the bright life attitudes.
起訖頁 091-102
關鍵詞 習慣領域靜思語Habitual DomainsJing-Si Aphorisms
刊名 習慣領域期刊  
期數 201011 (2:1期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國習慣領域學會
該期刊-上一篇 應用模糊TOPSIS法求解多重目標設定之最佳化能力集合調整
該期刊-下一篇 從微觀角度驗證人類行為決策動態模式之邏輯性-以Wii遊戲機之創新過程為例




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