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Research for characteristics and religious concepts about the White-Skeleton Demon on 'Journey to the West'
作者 林婉婷
本文以《西遊記》第二十七回〈屍魔三戲唐三藏 聖僧恨逐美猴王〉的內容作為基礎文本,分析白骨精此一角色。前言包含研究動機、主旨以及對前人研究成果的歸納,第二章以角色的形象塑造為主要研究對象,就中國的精怪形象特徵與傳統的鬼怪概念兩方面分作探討,說明構成白骨精的神怪特徵,參考魏晉以來志怪小說中對於屍體形成之精怪的記述,證明其產生概念源自歷代志怪,而非《西遊記》獨有。第三章研究重點在於白骨精所象徵的宗教意義,以白骨觀的修行方式作為輔證,分別論述白骨觀所欲破除的色、長壽兩種欲望。本文主旨為針對白骨精的角色分析,目的在於藉此瞭解其形象構成以及象徵意義。
Basis of this essay comes from chapter twenty-seven on 'Journey to the West', and the subject is character 'White-Skeleton Demon' of the novel. This essay composed by preface and three chapters. Preface is the first part of this essay, including the author's personal motivation to do research and previous research about 'White-Skeleton Demon'. In chapter 2, author make a list of characteristics about China demons and ghosts. The list prove that characteristics about China demons or ghosts affected by China's concept of dead body, and those characteristics exert an influence on 'White-Skeleton Demon'. Religious concepts about 'White-Skeleton Demon' are the main of chapter 3. The last chapter is conclusion of this essay. Characteristics and religious concepts about 'White-Skeleton Demon' are the gist of whole essay.
起訖頁 63-94
關鍵詞 神魔小說novel of ghosts and goblins精怪China demons鬼怪ghosts白骨觀practices of the bones of the dead
刊名 朝陽人文社會學刊  
期數 201406 (12:1期)
出版單位 朝陽科技大學朝陽人文社會學刊編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 體育課程期望與滿意度之研究
該期刊-下一篇 師資生工作價值觀之調查研究




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