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The Correlation between BMI & Physical Fitness in Future Preschool Teachers
作者 高如儀梁俊煌
小孩子肥胖罹患率日益嚴重,主要來自幼兒缺少運動及家長與照護者對幼童過度餵食所致。本研究主要希望瞭解未來幼兒保育員之BMI 數值及肢體活動能力相關性分析。研究中以200位嘉南藥理科技大學幼保系女大學生(未來幼兒保育員)為受測對象,研究中依受測者BMI 數值作為分組依據,分組如下:體重過輕(Below Average Group; BAG)(n = 40; BMI<18.5)、2 體重正常組(Normal Weight Group; NWG)(n = 143; 18.5≦BMI<24)、3.體重過重組(Over Weight Group; OWG)(n = 10; 24≦BMI<27)、4. 肥胖組(Obesity Group; OG)(n = 7; 27≦BMI)。依變項檢測之肢體活動能力,計有V&o max 2 、肌肉適能、瞬發力、柔軟度等。研究中採多元迴歸(Multiple Linear Regression)進行BMI 與肢體活動能力相關性分析,並以單因子變異數(ANOVA)比較各組間的肢體活動能力差異情形。結果: 1.受測者BMI 與柔軟度呈正相關,並達顯著水準(t = 1.777, p< .1)。2.BMI 數值越低之受測者,其瞬發力與V&o max 2 越好,兩者呈負相關,並達顯著水準,分別為瞬發力(t = -1.655,p< .1),及V&o max 2 (t = -3.390, p< .05) 3.經ANOVA 分析比較發現,不同組間之V&o max 2 達顯著差異水準(F = 5.575, p<.01),經杜凱氏試後比較發現,肥胖組受測者的V&o max 2 數值(33.60 ± 3.52ml/kg/min),明顯低於體重過輕組(37.59 ± 2.51ml/kg/min)及體重正常組(37.33 ± 3.12 ml/kg/min)。結論: 1.BMI 數值越低者之未來幼兒保育員,有較佳的最大耗氧量及瞬發力。2.BMI 數值高者,有較好的柔軟度。3.研究中顯示大多數女大學生平日運動,普遍不足,健康體適能數值仍有努力空間。建議:今日大學生健康體適能普遍較差,肥胖問題嚴重,所以當務之急就是教導未來幼兒保育員,如何正確維持健康生活,相關原則如1.如何正確的保持適當的體重。2.從事規律性的有氧運動,如慢跑、健走等。3.注意平日的飲食攝取。
This study was designed to determine the correlation between BMI and physical fitness in future preschool teachers. Two hundred female subjects (age = 21.02 ±1.5 yrs) in Chia-Nan University volunteered to participate in this study, which included Below Average Group(BAG)(n = 40; BMI< 18.5), Normal Weight Group (NWG) (n = 143; 18.5 ≦ BMI < 24), Over Weight Group (OWG)(n = 10; 24 ≦ BMI < 27), and Obesity Group (OG) (n = 7; 27 ≦ BMI) respectively. Following dependent variables were investigated on subjects’ physical fitness such as Vo2 max, sit-up, flexibility, and standing board jump. The SPSS Regression was used to determine the correlation between the dependant and independent variables. ANOVA was used to analyze the variation from the different groups. All significances were followed by Tukey's test.Results: 1) The Regression indicated that a significant positive linear relationship existed between BMI and flexibility, (t = 1.777, p < .1). 2). The Regression also demonstrated that a negative linear relationship was found between BMI and Vo2 max (t = -3.390, p< .05) and standing board jump (t = -1.655, p< .1). 3). ANOVA demonstrated that Vo2 max in OG subjects (33.60±3.52 ml/kg/min) revealed significantly lower than BAG (37.59±2.51ml/kg/min) and NWG (37.33±3.12 ml/kg/min.).Conclusions: 1. future preschool teachers with low BMI score demonstrated higher performance in Vo2 max and standing board jump. 2. Subjects with high BMI score exhibited higher flexibility ability. 3. Almost all subjects’ physical fitness demonstrated in normal or poor health level. Suggestions: in order to enhance physical fitness & health, all subjects need to learn good exercise behaviors, food intake, health concept, and knowledge.
起訖頁 297-310
關鍵詞 體適能Physical fitness最大耗氧量Vo₂ max
刊名 嘉南學報:人文類  
期數 201112 (37期)
出版單位 嘉南藥理大學
該期刊-上一篇 南臺灣某縣市托兒所兒童遊戲場安全因子現況分析
該期刊-下一篇 幼兒音樂肢體活動課程實施探究--以一所大學幼兒保育系為例




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