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Content Analysis of Energy and Climate Change Concepts in Elementary and Middle School Science Textbooks
作者 宋曜廷 (Yao-Ting Sung)黃信樽陳學志
本研究分析比較九十八學年度國小與國中自然與生活科技學習領域教科書中有關能源與氣候變遷的概念。研究團隊以能源與氣候變遷專家概念圖中52 個被區分為國小與國中學習階段的主要概念及其他輔助概念為關鍵字依據,透過檢索與記錄相關概念在3 個主要版本的教科書文本中出現的年級、章節、段落,並比較各版本中主要概念出現的階段是否符合專家的建議;同時,分析概念圖中5 個主題概念在各版本的繼續性及順序性。結果顯示,國小內容符合專家分類國小階段主要概念的比例以康軒版較低;國中內容符合專家分類國中階段主要概念的比例在各版本教科書中皆偏低,顯示目前國中內容相關概念極待補充。其次,5 個主題概念在各版本的順序性與繼續性比較:「能源」主題以南一版較佳;「氣候變遷現象導致的衝擊」主題,各版本的表現皆不佳;其餘3 個主題則以翰林版表現較佳。
In this study, we analyzed energy and climate change concepts in elementaryand middle school science textbooks. A conceptual map drawn up by specialistswas chosen as the criteria for locating relevant concepts in textbooks. It wascomposed of 52 main concepts and some supplementary concepts divided byexperts into elementary and middle school learning levels. We recorded gradelevels, chapters, and paragraphs containing relevant concepts in textbooks. Therecorded concepts were then examined to determine whether they conformedto the correct levels. Three textbook versions, including the Kang Hsuan, Nan-I,and Han Ling versions, were analyzed.At the elementary school level, findings showed that the Kang Hsuan versionneeds to increase content on climate change more than the other versions. Atthe middle school level, all three versions were similarly deficient of content, butthe number of concepts was lower than that suggested by experts. We also analyzedcontinuity and sequence of five subject concepts presented in differentversions. The Nan-I version presented better on the subject of energy. None ofthe three versions met the criteria on the impact of climate change. Han Ling presented better on the rest of three subject concepts.
起訖頁 1-30
關鍵詞 自然與生活科技教科書能源氣候變遷專家概念圖Science textbookEnergyClimate changeExpert concept map
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 201208 (5:2期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-下一篇 從統計認知面向與圖表理解角度分析國中數學教科書的統計內容




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