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An Action Research of Bridging Book Teaching with the Calligraphy of Primary School--An Example to the Fourth Grade |
作者 |
吳新欽 |
中文摘要 |
九年一貫後,國小各科教學時數銳減,書法教學更是無法落實。針對此問題,筆者思索如何在昀短的時間,施行昀有效的教學,試圖以「毛筆」作中心,結合橋梁書做教學。書法部分,由顏真卿楷書為主的讀帖欣賞入手,書寫時則先以端正工整為要求。橋梁書的作文部分,從賞析敦煌繪本-S.6983《妙法蓮華經.觀世音菩薩普門品第二十五》為主,聯繫妙善的故事,思考妙善的慈悲,以引導學生的感恩心,帶入作文「我昀重要的東西」的書寫;圖畫部分,事先篩選 S.6983《妙法蓮華經.觀世音菩薩普門品第二十五》中較無宗教意味的插圖,賞析其中素樸恭謹的線條美。昀後結合橋梁書「文多圖少」的特質,透過「賞析敦煌繪本」的策略,在筆者服務的 6班小學校裡,就筆者任教班級-四年甲班的 15位學生實施教學,初步發現學生用一支毛筆就可寫寫、畫畫,記錄生活的點點滴滴,足見以「毛筆」作中心,實施書法結合橋梁書的教學,可為九年一貫下的書法教學找到另一活路。 |
英文摘要 |
After Grade 1-9, the number of teaching elementary subjects dropped, calligraphy instruction is not implemented. To solve this problem, I think about how in the shortest possible time, implementation of the most effective teaching, trying to “brush”as a center of the bridge with a teaching book.Calligraphy section, dominated by the Yen Chen regular script to start reading posts appreciation, writing neatly when you are first correct for the request.Part of the bridge essay book, picture books from the appreciation of Dunhuang-S.6983 “Lotus Sutra. Bodhisattva Universal Door twenty-fifth, ”which, legend of Miaoshan contact, thinking Miaoshan compassion to guide students in the grateful heart, into the writing, “ my most important thing”in writing. Drawing part of the pre-screening S.6983 “Lotus Sutra. Bodhisattva Universal Door twenty-fifth”in the illustrations than those without religious meaning, naive respectful appreciation of the lines in which the United States. Finally, the bridge book “Man Figure little more”character, through the “Appreciation of Dunhuang picture book”strategy, in my elementary school 6 classes of services, teaching classes to the author - 15 years Jiaban implementation of teaching students, the initial Found that students can write with a brush, painting, recording life bit by bit, which shows the “brush”as a center of the bridge with the implementation of the book of calligraphy teaching, established for the next nine years to find another way out of teaching calligraphy . |
起訖頁 |
097-128 |
關鍵詞 |
書法、敦煌、橋梁書、Calligraphy、Dunhuang、Bridge book |
刊名 |
屏東教育大學學報:教育類 |
期數 |
201109 (37期) |
出版單位 |
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師資職前教育師培生進行問題引導學習之課程設計與實施研究 |
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轉介前識字教學介入對國小一年級識字困難學童的學習效果 |