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Relational Analysis of Civil Knowledge and Civil Attitude of the Freshmen of the Ping-Tung Teacher College |
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顏素霞 |
中文摘要 |
本研究主要目的在於了解屏東師範學院大一學生公民活動態度取向,並探討公民活動態度取向與公民知識(1)的相關情形,以期對大學通識課程設計及教學有所助益。第一階段的研究著重在公民活動態度量表的編製(以高雄市、屏東市國民小學教師及屏東師範學院學生為研究母群)第二階段的研究對象為屏東師範學院大學一年級學生,分析他們公民知識與其公民活動態度相關情形。(以屏東師範學院大一學生為研究母群,研究樣本人數計201人(2))。本研究的工具包括:「公民活動態度量表」、「公民知識A」(法律與社會學的知識)和「公民知識B」(政治學與經濟的知識)。研究發現:(一)大一學生在公民活動的參與態度平均得分較高;相較之下,他們對公民活動的反省態度得分偏低,未及平均數2.5的水準。(二)「公民知識A」和「政治活動態度」的相關係數為-.22;「公民知識B」和公民活動態度未發現直接關聯性。大致看來,公民知識和公民活動態度取向沒有相關。(三)女學生在「政治參與」「政治反省」和「社會反省」的得分均高於男學生,女生比男生有較積極的反省能力。(四)公民活動的參與態度和反省態度有顯著正相關。 |
英文摘要 |
Civil education increasingly plays an important role of higher education for promoting students’ citizenship.This paper presents finding from the surveys study of the freshmen at Ping-Tung Teacher College, aimed at exploring the relation between the civil knowledge and attitude of amount to 200 students. The citizenship includes two parts:civil knowledge(law, sociology, politics and economics) and civil attitude(trust, participation and reflection) The research of the first stage emphasizes to draw up in the civil attitude quantity form, preparing to try 280 people of the sample. And the second stage is to analyze the relation between the civil knowledge and attitude of the freshmen. Based on the research, we find the results as follows: 1. Monova analysis showed the difference between the girls’ civil attitude and the boys’.The girls compared the boys to have the more aggressive self-reflection attitude. 2. Person correlation analysis showed passive significant relation between law-sociology knowledge and political attitude of the freshmen. 3. Person correlation analysis showed none significant relation between politics-economics knowledge and civil attitude of the freshmen. 4. Person correlation analysis showed passive significant relation between participate attitude and reflective attitude of the freshmen. In generally, the relationship between civil knowledge and attitude seemed little tightly. The participate and reflection attitude explored the relation each other. |
起訖頁 |
201-231 |
關鍵詞 |
公民資質、公民教育、通識教育、Citizenship、Civil education、General education |
刊名 |
屏東教育大學學報:教育類 |
期數 |
200909 (33期) |
出版單位 |
該期刊-上一篇 |
教育大學教師評鑑指標系統建構之研究--以屏東教育大學為例 |
該期刊-下一篇 |
遊戲理解科學教學模式與教學反思 |