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The Study of Legal System for Preventing School Bullying in England : From the perspective of educational governance
作者 林斌
近年來先進國家對霸凌(bullying)行為之研究重心,已明顯聚焦於中小學之「校園霸凌」(bullying in schools)防治。惟我國中小學校園霸凌行為之處理,雖然已有相關法令予以規範,但校園霸凌事件依然層出不窮,代表現行處理機制有待改善。尤其國民教育係政府公共服務之重要一環,因此,中小學校園霸凌之處理機制除重視效率管理原則外, 更應強調公共利益導向之治理(governance)模式,跳脫官僚權威決策窠臼,以提昇教育服務品質。而英國自廿世紀八○年代末期起,即大力推動學校教育改革,引進公共治理之理念,將防治學生霸凌行為視為提昇教學品質之重要基礎,列為中小學校園安全政策之優先內涵,透過法制建構整合不同利害關係人及資源網絡,其發展經驗實值得我國借鏡。因此,本研究嘗試透過教育治理之觀點,針對英國中小學校園霸凌法制內涵進行分析,以供我國教育部門相關法制修正之參考。本研究之結論指出:英國校園霸凌防治政策網絡關係呈現高度法制化之趨勢,重視對家長之法律課責,亦能有效保障學生基本權利,惟在施政力之成效上評價不一。
In advanced countries, recent studies on the prevention of bullying have focused on bullying in primary and junior high schools. In Taiwan, although the relevant laws, regulations, and administrative measures have been enforced, bullying in primary and junior high schools is constantly on the rise. This suggests that the mechanism to control bullying in schools requires improvement. As compulsory education is one of the most important public services, the mechanism to prevent school bullying should emphasize the public-benefit-oriented governance model and reduce bureaucracy to improve the quality of education.In the late 1980s, England's government introduced the public governance model to prompt education reform in schools and prioritize anti-bullying in school safety policy. Therefore, this study examines the legal measures used to prevent bullying in schools in England, from the view of education governance, and recommends anti-bullying mechanisms for schools in Taiwan.This study concludes the following: (1) the policy network relation, including legal measures, implemented to prevent bullying in schools in England represent a trend of increasing legalization. (2) the legal system values accountability for parents and protects the basic human rights of students, and (3) the official and academic evaluation of the state's capability of preventing bullying in schools is inconsistent.
起訖頁 1-29
關鍵詞 校園霸凌教育治理學生管教Bullying in schoolsEducational governanceStudent discipline
刊名 教育經營與管理研究集刊  
期數 201301 (9期)
出版單位 國立臺南大學教育學系
該期刊-下一篇 桃園縣國民小學教師知識管理與教學創新關係之研究




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