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Masugi Shizue's Homeland/Outland: “Colonial Taiwan” in “Daughter” and “A Woman's Life”
作者 吳佩珍 (Pei-Chen Wu)
Previous studies on the formation of Masugi Shizue's image focused mainly on her biographies, which were all published posthumously. However, Masugi's autobiographical novels were in direct contrast to those biographies, biographical novels and criticisms which stressed that she was a 'wicked woman.' 'Daughter' and 'A Woman s Life' were autobiographical novels that were published from pre-war to post-war periods, and depicted her life experience in colonial Taiwan. 'Daughter' mainly describes her reconciliation with her mother upon her return to her 'home' in colonial Taiwan after running away for sixteen years. 'A Woman s Life' describes a woman named 'Shizue', Masugi's real name too, as she looks back on her own love affairs, family matters, her 'home' in colonial Taiwan, and the defeat of Japan. This novel mixes historical realities with her individual history. These two autobiographical novels also show colonial Taiwan under Japanese rule. This is where her parents' home was located, and where Masugi spent her teenage years. This paper will examine the relationship between the formation of Masugi's image and colonial Taiwan, as well as how colonial Taiwan became an icon related to her memory of her mother.
起訖頁 89-109
關鍵詞 真杉靜枝自傳小說女兒某個女人的生平殖民地臺灣Masugi ShizueAuto-biographical novelDaughterA Woman's LifeColonial Taiwan
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201306 (22期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 新興殖民都市的真相——以[蔡秋桐]〈新興的悲哀〉與[(韓國)蔡萬植]《濁流》為探討對象
該期刊-下一篇 另一種群眾想像:現代性與殖民時期的劇場




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