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The Reality of Emerging Colonial Citys ─ a Study upon Tsai Chiu-Tung's (蔡秋桐) “An Emerging Sadness(新興的悲哀)" and Chae Man-Sik's(蔡萬植) A muddy Stream(濁流)
作者 崔末順
Urbanization, which was started from 19th century, has been rapidly continuing in fast and complex form till today. Literature has yet started to take notice of the essential urban problem, when facing the fierce urbanizing trend in life, and investigated the impact on human life and the value, etc. of urbanization. In general, all aspects in daily life can be seen in the growing influence of capitalism. In the specific historical stage that nation strongly intervene the civil society, urbanization and urban space inevitably follows intense political domination. Taking Japan colonial period as an instance, the formation and development of modern cities in Taiwan and Korea are more or less influenced by Japanese colonial policies, such as the importation and the following expansion of colonial capitalism caused the problem of disunion of social c1asses and ethnic differences. The political issue was more direct and severe than any other historical stages hereafter.This article is based on the Taiwanese novel Tsai Chiu-Tung's (蔡秋桐) (An Emerging Sadness (新興的悲哀) ) and Korean novel Chae, Man-Sik's (蔡萬植) 《A muddy Stream (濁流)》 in Japan colonial period. The novels had investigated the construction process of emerging colonial city, structural characteristics of urban space, and the lifestyle and spiritual awareness of people in the Japanese colony. Both Taiwan and Korea two nations were governed by Japanese colonialism, and promoted the construction of colonial cities under the domination of Japan. Therefore, by selection of two urban novels that had commonly discussed the colonial city constructed by Japanese colonialism, to analyze the contrast between the two nations of relationship of colonial city and lifestyle of the people, becomes necessary and profoundly significant.
起訖頁 67-88
關鍵詞 日據時期臺灣小說韓國小說殖民都市都市空間Japan colonial periodTaiwanese novelKorean novelColonial cityUrban space蔡秋桐蔡萬植
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201306 (22期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 揚風與楊逵:戰後初期大陸來臺作家與臺灣作家的合作交流
該期刊-下一篇 真杉靜枝的「故鄉」∕「異鄉」:〈女兒〉、〈某個女人的生平〉中的「殖民地臺灣」記號




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