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Imagining the Body and Constructing the Masculine Subject in the War Narratives of Cong Hei Ye Dao Tian Ming and Xiao Ying Xiong Yu Lao You Chai
作者 吳玫瑛
Drawing on Judith Butler's body theory and R. W. Connell's theory on men's bodies, among others, this paper aims to explore the complex and dynamic discourse and representation of body images, as well as the construction of the masculine subject, in the war narratives of 'Cong Hei Ye Dao Tian Ming' (From Darkness to Dawn, 1968) and 'Xiao Ying Xiong Yzi Lao You Chai' (The Little Hero and The Old Mailman, 1993). It is argued that the masculine subject constructed and/or negotiated in and through the textual discourse, in particular, in the representations of various body images, in the two paradigmic texts of the war narratives for young readers is replete with multiple significations and sometimes contradictory and/or ambivalent implications. To be more specific, the masculine subject constructed in the juvenile fiction of war is not to be taken as unitary, static, and in a state of naturalness and obviousness, but possibly dubious, ambiguous, contradictory and multi- faceted. For instance, the boy protagonist in 'Cong Hei Ye Dao Tian Ming' is framed in a double image of toughness and tenderness; whereas, the boy protagonist in 'Xiao Ying Xiong Yu Lao You Chai' is one oscillating from the image of a wild, naughty, and delinquent boy to a model hero worthy of respect and praise. Another example is the substantial contrast between the masculine body in valiant action and the demised, deformed, disabled, and thus alienated male bodies. In a word, the mobility and the complexity of gender significations of the masculine subject are operative and significantly constructed in and through the body discourse of the war narratives for the young.
起訖頁 65-93
關鍵詞 身體論述陽剛主體戰爭敘事少年小說Body discourseThe masculine subjectWar narrativeJuvenile fiction
刊名 台灣文學學報  
期數 201212 (21期)
出版單位 國立政治大學台灣文學研究所
該期刊-上一篇 劃界與定位——戰後小說再現的中華民國
該期刊-下一篇 周憲文《臺灣文獻叢刊》(1946-1972)與戰後民族主義史學氛圍下的臺灣史建構




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