英文摘要 |
Many of the children in Aotearoa who are attending various early childhood centres/kohanga reo, will have their early years education enhanced with pakiwaitara. Before the advent of print, pakiwaitara or oral story telling in the traditional sense, were told by Maori to captivated audiences who would be gathered around the fireplace, on the marae or in the wharenui. Today , many of our traditional pakiwaitara have been published and reside in many of the k hanga reo and early childhood centres in Aotearoa.The teaching team of Te Tohu Paetahi Ako Te Iti Rearea, a Maori medium bachelor degree for early year educators are aware of the importance of reviving the art of oral storytelling as a Te Reo Maori revitalization strategy. This paper therefore explores the benefits of traditional and contemporary forms of storytelling from a Maori perspective and how this is important in the education of early years Maori medium pre-service educators. |