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Explore the Statistical Graph Comprehension for the 3rd and 4th Grades Students of Taipei–Keelung Metropolitan Area
作者 陳怡仲王美娟林亭瑩
The purpose of thls study was to explore the comprehenslon towards statistical graphs performed by the 3rd and 4th grades students. Thls study used questlonnalre research method. Subjects were 409 3rd and 403 4th grades students. In the research, the graph contexts, used ln TIMSS 2011 mathematics cognltlon framework, lncludlng three types of questions - knowlng, applylng, and reasonlng, and three types of statistical graphs - bar chart, llne chart, and ple chart, were adopted to deslgn our questlonnalre. The results of dependent samples ANOVA lllustrate that there ls no slgter ln readlng than ln applylng, and than ln reasonlng. Also, the results of lndependent samples t-test lllustrate that, no matter ln each context or ln each statistical graph, the performance of the 4th grade were better than the 3rd grade. Accordlng the results of research, we suggest that: 1.the program of three types of graphs - bar, llne, and ple can be arranged at the 3rd grade; 2. enhance the ablllty of the 4th grade students to reason the data questions ln statistical graph.The slgnlflcant flndlngs of the research wlll provlde a process of assessment deslgn and substantive guldellnes for mathematical education authorities ln the pollcy lmprovement.
起訖頁 001-033
關鍵詞 統計圖理解長條圖折線圖圓形圖statistical graph comprehensionbar chartline chartpie chart
刊名 教育科學期刊  
期數 201306 (12:1期)
出版單位 國立中興大學師資培育中心
該期刊-下一篇 歐克斯歷史教育學之探究




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