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The Application of the Socratic Method in Teaching General Education Law Courses
作者 石凌霜 (Ling-Shuang Shih)
在教育哲學中,蘇格拉底方法(Socratic Method)是強調經由對話、辯證的過程,讓學習者獲得知識與檢驗其信念的方法;在注重批判性思考的通識教育中,有相當的應用價值,法律通識課程之中亦然。根據不同的區分角度,蘇格拉底方法之內涵,可分類為所謂三模式:測試模式、美諾篇模式、特亞特圖篇模式;或二途徑:非專斷式途徑、威權式途徑。美國法學院的教學常使用蘇格拉底方法,從其不同的學習與教學經驗中,學者們或贊成或反對蘇格拉底方法。贊成者認為蘇格拉底方法對於教導基本法律原則是一個有實效的工具;反對者則認為蘇格拉底方法在課堂上的經驗是羞辱所有的學生。但基本上,多數學者將同意:重點在於教師如何善加操作蘇格拉底方法而發揮其優點以有助於學生。相比較地,蘇格拉底方法在法律通識課程之教學上亦有應用之可能性,即依照不同教學內容,可適當採取相關模式或途徑。依照美國法學院的經驗,係以美諾篇模式為主。此外,就法規範適用的理解上,可採威權式途徑來教學;就法規範修改的理解上,可採非專斷式的途徑來教學。最後,本文並輔以教學上所經歷的實際應用狀況來介紹與分析,顯示採用蘇格拉底方法教學對教育學生思辨有所助益。
The Socratic Method emphasizes that students obtain knowledge and test their beliefs in the process of engaging in dialogues. As general education emphasizes critical thinking, this method has much applied value, specifically in teaching law courses in general education programs. In light of different perspectives, the Socratic Method could be classified into three models: the test model, the Meno model, and the Theaetetus model. Besides, it could be classified into two approaches: the non-autocratic approach and the authoritarian approach. The Socratic Method is often adopted in the teaching at law schools in the United States. In their different experiences of studying and teaching, scholars’ views over the use of the Socratic Method in teaching the law is controversial. The approvers consider that the method is effective in teaching basic legal principles. The dissenters consider that the classroom experience is humiliating to all students. However, most scholars would agree that it depends on how well teachers implement the Socratic Method so that students may benefit from the process. Comparatively, there is also possibility that these models or approaches of the Socratic Method might be properly applied in the teaching of different law courses. In United States, the Meno model is mainly applied. Besides, for students’ understanding the application of law, teachers may adopt the authoritarian approach. For students to understand the amending of law, teachers may use the non-autocratic approach. In this article, the author introduced and analyzed his teaching of law using the Socratic Method and demonstrated how useful it has been for educating students to have deliberation ability.
起訖頁 119-156
關鍵詞 法律教學法律通識課程蘇格拉底方法蘇格拉底教學general education of lawlaw teachingSocratic methodSocratic teaching
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201306 (26:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 權利與義務,孰先孰後?──亞洲價值的論證對人權教育之啟示




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