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Addressing Challenges in Teacher Collaborative Curriculum Design: An Activity Theory Framework
作者 陳斐卿 (Fei-Ching Chen)林盈秀 (Ying-Shiou Lin)蕭述三 (Shu-San Hsiau)
隨著十二年國教的推動,國中面臨重大轉型,教師必須集體共事的互動模式更加確立,教師合作困難的探索研究更形重要。過去文獻多數聚焦在單一領域或科目會議的合作議題,如今,跨越單一領域或處室的合作機會大為增加,所遭逢的挑戰也更為複雜。本文以Engeström 的活動理論為架構,檢視新北市一所國中在跨領域與處室的課程模組合作設計過程中具有擾動特徵的互動、與較為內隱的系統性矛盾。資料收集期間為2009 年8 月至2011 年5 月共兩年82 次的課程模組會議、領域會議、與轉變討論室會議,資料來源包括每次一至兩小時的會議逐字謄稿與觀察紀錄及45 人次的訪談資料,以活動理論之介入方法學進行分析。研究發現三種有待磨合的現象:一為「教案集體擁有感的淡薄」,二為「合作接棒區的模糊」,三為「對會議所賦予意義的落差」。藉由活動理論架構進一步辨識出三種系統性矛盾:模組會議做為「工具」的有效性或疲乏性,不同位階者感受不同;集體教案的發展「規則」與內隱價值,在「個人責任感」與「集體擁有感」之間游移;以及教師之間扁平結構合作氛圍下,「分工」處境中的「明言性」與「隱諱性」的拉扯等。本文凸顯當今中學教師對十二年國教的轉型與因應過程中,集體共事表象之下更需深究的合作困境。
The purpose of this study is to identify the difficulties encountered when teacher teams collaborate in designing school-based integrative curriculum units. Conventionally, teachers are used to accomplish tasks by dividing things into subtasks instead of doing them together. Therefore, it is expected that they encounter difficulties while working on curriculum design collaboratively. Using Activity theory as a framework, this study aimed to identify disturbances and inner contradictions in teacher collaborative curriculum-making. Instead of relying merely on interview or observation data, dialogical data were collected in regular team meetings in a junior high school in New Taipei City. Two teacher teams, the green fair unit team and the classroom electricity device unit team, were examined using the framework of activity theory. Three contradictions were discovered: first, the meaning-making of team meetings: effective versus fatigue; second, individual responsibility versus collective ownership; and third, flatter hierarchical structure of division of labors: explicitness versus ambiguity. The complexity of boundary crossing among teachers in junior high school was also discussed.
起訖頁 063-094
關鍵詞 矛盾共治活動理論教師合作擾動activity theorycollegialitycontradictiondisturbanceteacher collaboration
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201306 (26:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 原住民學童在電腦樂高機器人課程中的創造力與團隊合作能力
該期刊-下一篇 權利與義務,孰先孰後?──亞洲價值的論證對人權教育之啟示




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