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A Two-Year Study on Children’s Interpretive Contexts in Responding
作者 戴芳煒 (Fang-Wei Tai)蔡敏玲 (Min-Ling Tsai)
本文探討金門縣一群兒童從幼稚園大班到小學一年級與老師(即作者一)共讀圖畫書後,回應討論問題的思考脈絡,其兩年間的展現與轉變,以及老師在共讀活動中帶領、提問與回應兒童的方式。棒棒糖班的18 位幼兒和老師每週固定進行三次圖畫書共讀;兒童進入小學一年級後,兩位作者和其中的12位兒童組成讀書會,每月共讀一次。作者從兒童大班時的61 次共讀活動中選取20 次,從小一15 次共讀中挑選10 次,將討論錄音詳細轉譯後,以議題分段,以發言輪次為單位,分別分析兒童回應討論問題的思考脈絡和教師參與方式,並描述兩年的轉變,及形成轉變的脈絡性因素。兒童的思考脈絡共有生活經驗、故事、生活常識、圖像、作者意圖,複合脈絡與其他共7 種類型。本文指出,大班與小一兒童均有能力以探索文學文本的方式討論圖畫故事書。大班幼兒,最常以生活經驗思考討論問題,而小一兒童最常以故事本身為思考脈絡。從大班到小一,兒童回應更為積極,提問能力提昇,思考脈絡漸趨複雜多元,漸少仰賴生活經驗。作者指出教師導讀、提問與回應兒童的方式,以及閱讀文化的形塑,協助兒童發展多元脈絡理解與詮釋故事。最後,作者依據研究結果對圖畫書共讀活動與分析方法提出具體建議。
This paper presents a two-year study on picture book reading process involving a teacher and a group of children in Kinmen County. The aim was to explore how children create their interpretation of the story (the interpretive contexts applied by these children) when responding to questions posed in the discussion sessions, the teacher’s ways of participation, and other possible contextual influences. In the first year, two kindergarten teachers and 18 children read picture books together three times a week. In the second year, as children moved on to first grade, 12 of them continued to participate in monthly picture book reading sessions offered by the authors. A total of thirty audio-taped reading sessions were transcribed verbatim. The transcripts were devided by topics with every speaking turn coded. After a thorough inductive analysis, the authors constructed seven categories of children’s interpretive contexts and sorted out teacher’s ways of questioning, probing, and responding. The seven contexts in which the interpretation is drawn included life experiences, the story, common knowledge, the illustration, the author’s intention, compound contexts and others. The most frequently applied interpretive context by kindergarteners was life experiences, whereas the most frequently applied interpretive context by first-graders was the story. The interpretive contexts applied by first-graders were more diversified. Based on the long term observation, it is proposed that the reading culture and the teacher’s role contributed significantly to the development of these children’s diversified interpretive contexts. Lastly, the authors provided some practical suggestions on picture book reading activities and the analytic method for future studies.
起訖頁 001-032
關鍵詞 回應共讀兒童圖畫故事書childrenpicture story booksreading togetherresponse
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201306 (26:1期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-下一篇 原住民學童在電腦樂高機器人課程中的創造力與團隊合作能力




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