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The Reasons Why Hakka Girls of Senior Vocational High Schools Chose Non-traditional Fields and Their Sex Roles Discourse
作者 王燦槐
本研究訪談台灣北、中、南、東部地區的國立高職學校,選擇理、工、農科等非傳統女性學科之客家少女及其父/母和導師共38 位。結果發現有四種選擇非傳統女性學科的原因,分別為:一、因家人的影響、二、選擇學校、三、自己興趣者及四、在家中排行和家庭結構上較不同,但四組受訪者在家中的客家文化和性別刻板印象的影響都不明顯,在性別角色的態度上,均趨向於性別平等,甚至還認知到女性優於男性的特色,因此才選擇非傳統學科就讀。
The study intends to explore the career choices of Hakka girls of senior vocational high schools who chose non-traditional fields and the influence of their sex role attitudes. Past researches point out that in order to study the contemporary Hakka women, one need to consider the generation gaps and women’s self-identity. This research interviewed the new generation of Hakka girls to examine their gender attitudes and their career choices. From their point of views, we investigated whether the individual, familiar and school factors influences their career choices.
Our samples includes 38 people, including Hakka girls who chose science related non-traditional fields, their parents and their teachers from various public vocation high schools throughout the northern, middle, southern and eastern regions of Taiwan. Results discovered that there are four types of reasons to choose the non-traditional fields. Among them, those who influenced by their families had different birth orders and family structures, as compared with those whose reasons were based on schools or self-interest. However, the four groups had no differences in Hakka culture and gender stereotype. These girls had equal gender attitudes, and even recognized the superiority of women over men in certain characteristics in non-traditional fields.
起訖頁 001-026
關鍵詞 性別角色態度非傳統學科領域客家少女高職生sex role attitudesnon-traditional fieldsHakka girlsvocational high school students
刊名 客家公共事務學報  
期數 201205 (5期)
出版單位 國立中央大學客家學院
該期刊-下一篇 泰安鄉清安村洗水坑客家聚落族群邊際的生成變化




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