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Implementation Models of Resource Rooms for Gifted Learners in Elementary and Junior High Schools in Taiwan
作者 陳偉仁 (Wei-Ren Chen)黃楷茹 (Kai-Ju Huang)陳美芳 (Mei-Fang Chen)陳長益 (Charng-Yi Chen)
臺灣資優教育歷經將近40 年的耕耘,在資優概念的擴展、教育政策的改變、教師專業的精進、社會結構的轉變中,逐漸發展出本土特色的經營。鑑此,本研究勾勒出目前臺灣國民教育階段學校資優資源班經營的樣貌,以做為資優教育永續發展的參考。研究整合問卷調查結果、焦點團體訪談、相關文件資料的蒐集,並進一步分析八所案例學校資優資源班的運作實務。結果發現,臺灣資優資源班的經營可歸納為四種基本運作模式,包括:一、教師專業團隊模式;二、行政主導模式;三、教師與行政攜手並進模式;四、學生需求本位模式。不同的運作模式,呈現出學校資優教育工作者在臺灣資優教育發展脈絡、學校生態、社區資源、教師團隊組成及資優生特質間的權衡,以建構出資優教育在該校中適切的經營取向。本研究並從模式選擇、框架解構、經營型態等三方面,進行討論並提出相關建議。
Purpose: Gifted education has been implemented for approximately 40 years in Taiwan. Gifted education has become more localized with the expansion of concepts regarding giftedness, change of education policies, teacher professional development, and the revolution of social structures. The purpose of this study is to outline the implementation models for gifted learners in elementary and high schools in Taiwan. These models can provide frameworks for educators who desire designing and implementing appropriate and innovative programs for gifted learners. Methods: Multistage methods were used to construct fundamental implementation models for gifted learners in Taiwan. First, a nationwide survey was conducted to collect relevant information such as commonalities and difficulties when implementing gifted education. Second, a focus group interview was conducted with 11 gifted-education educators. Thereafter, the 4 dimensions (student, teacher, administration, and background) and elements of implementation models were discussed. Third, 8 resource rooms for gifted learners (6 elementary and 2 junior high schools) from exemplary cases were further analyzed to verify and elaborate these dimensions and elements. Findings: 4 fundamental implementation models were found: (a) teacher professional team model: gifted education is successfully implemented based on teacher collaboration and professional development; (b) administration model: administrators have essential roles and incorporate resources to establish gifted programs; (c)teacher-administration collaboration model: teachers work with administrators to manage the development of gifted education and supportive/curriculum systems; and (d) student needs-based model: the supportive/curriculum system is constructed by teacher teams, and flexibly and continually adjusted based on students’ needs. Thus, these 4 models are educators’ contextualized approaches that they consider gifted education trends, school ecology, community resources, teacher teams, and traits of gifted learners. Conclusions/ Implications: The model choice and implementation issues are discussed in accordance with the findings. First, model choice is an eclectic process in which school educators evaluate and make decisions regarding local resources, the development of resource rooms, and qualities of gifted educators in schools. Appropriateness is an essential characteristic of school educators’ leadership when gifted education is concerned. Moreover, implementation models are dynamic frameworks rather than rigid standards. Gifted educators are advised to deconstruct standardized programming, but also to make supportive/ service systems possible for individualization. Finally, the various methods for programming resource rooms can be considered because diverse educational resources and ecologies exist in the different districts of Taiwan. The flexible programming of gifted education in local districts and careful accountability evaluation from government administration is the recommended route for gifted education.
起訖頁 055-078
關鍵詞 資優資源班運作模式resource rooms for gifted learnersimplementation models
刊名 特殊教育研究學刊  
期數 201303 (38:1期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學特殊教育學系
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該期刊-下一篇 探究教學對國中資優學生科學推理類型轉變之影響




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