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An Exploration of the Professional Development of a Science Teacher Through Structured Reflection
作者 黃琴扉劉嘉茹 (Chia-Ju Liu)
本研究旨在透過結構式引導反思工具,探討科學教師之專業成長,個案教師為台南某國中自然科教師,教學年資為六年,該教師具備反思之潛能,且對修正教學策略以提升專業發展具高度認同,適合為本研究之個案教師。個案教師需於教學前撰寫「教學資源-策略表」(Resource Folios),以本身的先備知識與教學經驗,預測教學中可能發生的情況,並據此設計教學策略;實務教學後,教師據教學實況與自身預測進行整合反思,經過經驗、知識與實務的統整獲得專業成長。本研究蒐集「教學資源-策略表」、課室觀察、錄影、學生回饋單與晤談之轉錄文字檔等資料進行分析。研究發現如下:(1)個案教師的初始教學觀點與策略主要包含兩項,第一是認為教師的角色為學習促進者,而促進學生學習的首要任務是提升學習動機,但是其教學策略無法有效反應教學觀點,第二是採用頻繁的考試為固定教學策略,但由於缺乏完善的概念檢討,使考試流於形式;(2)個案教師運用結構式引導反思工具,強化教學預測與教學實務衝突之感受,促進個案教師聚焦反思,並經由背景知識、經驗與教學實務之整合,促進教學觀點與策略的轉變,獲得專業成長。
The aim of this study was to investigate the professional development of a science teacher through structured reflection. The participant in this case study is a junior high school science teacher who has taught science for 6 years. Before teaching, the participant needed to write the resource folios and to design teaching strategies; after teaching, the participant reflected the teaching practice by comparing the design of teaching strategies with resource folios. Data collection includes resource folios, classroom observations, students' feedback, and interviews. The results show: (1) The science teacher had two viewpoints of teaching. The first point of view is to identify the role of teachers as learning promoter and students' learning motivation needs to be promoted. However, the strategies employed during teaching practice did not reflect his viewpoints of teaching. The second viewpoint is to use frequent testing as the main teaching strategy, however without thorough discussion of important concepts, students fail to learn from the tests; (2) by using structural reflection instrument the science teacher in this case study could focus on the reflection of the conflicted views of teaching and teaching practice, and this reflection can improve professional development. Some suggestions are discussed in this study.
起訖頁 163-194
關鍵詞 反思科學教師教學資源-策略表reflectionresource foliosscience teacher
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201212 (25:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 國小優質科學教師教學專業發展指標及權重分配系統之建置:科學教師社群之觀點
該期刊-下一篇 教師之抗爭意識以及專業自主意識與其參加組織意願的關連:以台東為範圍




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