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First-Generation College Students: A Study of Their College Experiences, Learning Outcomes, and Destination After Graduation
作者 劉若蘭 (Jo-Lan Liu)林大森
本研究旨在探討第一代大學生就學經驗、學習成果與畢業流向的關係,並與非第一代大學生作比較。研究對象為填答高等教育資料庫94 學年度大三、畢業前、畢業後一年等三份問卷者,共21,671 人。其中個人就學經驗包括課業與抱負、社會資本、財務資本與文化資本等四個面向,學習成果包括畢業成績與職場能力,畢業流向則包括全職就業、全時在學與未就業三項。研究結果發現:第一代大學生在財務、文化資本上明顯低於非第一代大學生,社會資本中僅社團參與低於非第一代大學生。在全職就業方面,第一代與非第一代大學生中,女性、工作時數多、職涯規劃能力較佳者,傾向全職就業;而第一代大學生家庭收入較高、不打算進修、人際關係較佳者,全職就業的比例較高;非第一代大學生中,則是不參加補習與工作態度佳者,全職就業比例較高。在全時在學方面,第一代與非第一代大學生中,打算進修、課業投入高、參加補習與畢業成績較佳者,傾向全時在學;但是,第一代大學生具閱讀廣度者,全時在學的比例卻較低。本研究之分析成果,能為大學規劃促進第一代學生學習品質與就業相關措施提出建議。
The purpose of this study was to explore the relationships between college experiences, learning outcomes and destination after graduation for first-generation and non-fist-generation college students. Survey data from the "higher education database" built by the NTNU Education Research and Assessment Center were used for data analysis. The present study specifically adopted data collected in School Year 2005 on third-year students and the data from tracking students in the senior year and one year after graduation. The college experiences consisted of academic and aspiration, social assets, financial assets, and cultural assets. And the learning outcomes include graduation rating and employability. Results of the study show that, the financial assets and cultural assets of first-generation college students are lower than that of non-first-generation college students and there is no significant difference in social assets between the two groups. First-generation college students who had low educational aspiration, longer work hours, positive peer relationship and career planning capabilities had a higher percentage rate of working full time within one year of graduation. For both first-generation and non-first-generation college students who had higher educational aspiration, more academic involvement, and those who went to cram school and had higher graduation rating also had a higher percentage rate of studying full time after graduation. However, first-generation college students who read a wider range of books had a lower percentage rate of studying full time after graduation. Finally, recommendations for planning effective programs and promoting first-generation students' learning quality and employment are presented.
起訖頁 97-130
關鍵詞 畢業流向第一代大學生就學經驗學習成果college experiencesdestination after graduationfirst-generationcollege studentslearning outcomes
刊名 教育實踐與研究  
期數 201212 (25:2期)
出版單位 國立臺北教育大學
該期刊-上一篇 阿德勒取向團體諮商對於青少年網路成癮的諮商成效
該期刊-下一篇 國小優質科學教師教學專業發展指標及權重分配系統之建置:科學教師社群之觀點




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