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A Study on US-Taiwan Relations, Dire or Not so Dire Strait?
作者 游佩儒
Initially the Taiwan issue was no more than a simple internal matter created by and emanating from the Chinese Civil War. However, with the Korean War and the Cold War, this relatively small domestic matter turned into one of the world's greatest and most complicated issues. The two factors that arose of these events that created this complicated issue were the US getting involved and the undecided nature of Taiwan's legal status. For more than fifty years now, the US has become directly involved in Asian affairs beginning with its involvement in the Chinese CivilWar. Currently the US still remains deeply entrenched in the Taiwan issue. Withdrawal from Taiwan is not a viable option and certainly would compromise security not only in the Asia Pacific but internationally. This article aims to explore the complicated relationship between US and Taiwan, as this concerns Taiwan's future and it's the only issue that could drag two superpowers into conflict.
起訖頁 147-162
關鍵詞 臺灣關係法美臺關係地緣政治軍售Taiwan relations actUS-Taiwan relationsGeopoliticsArms sale
刊名 北商學報  
期數 201007 (18期)
出版單位 國立臺北商業大學(原:臺北商業技術學院)
該期刊-上一篇 不同準備位置軟網選手技能比較分析研究




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