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An Action Inquiry to Improving Taiwanese EFL Students’ Reading Habits
作者 史穎君
Action research is a form of collective inquiry involving self-reflective concepts that participants in social situations undertake to improve the following: (1) the rationale and justice of their own social or educational practices; (2) the participants’ understanding of these practices within the situations in which they carry out these practices. As a result of highlighting change, people change. This creates a new reformed situation. The purpose of this study is to work with a small group of students in a business college in northern Taiwan, in order to foster their reading habits. This study contains the following steps: initiation, preliminary investigation, intervention, and evaluation. The approaches involved entail carrying out a student email questionnaire and online interviews. Overall, the results of this action inquiry were very encouraging. The evidences show that the participants enjoy extensive reading, and are well aware that the more they read the better readers they will become. Within this study, one of the participants encountered a little difficulty whilst reading extensively. However, the overall willingness to keep this reading habit was favoured unanimously within the selected group of students.
起訖頁 91-104
關鍵詞 行動研究自我省思廣泛閱讀閱讀習慣Action researchSelf-reflectExtensive readingReading habit
刊名 北商學報  
期數 201001 (17期)
出版單位 國立臺北商業大學(原:臺北商業技術學院)
該期刊-上一篇 以消費者特性與創新性探討消費者採用第三代行動通訊服務之關鍵因素研究
該期刊-下一篇 鏡城交界處‧仕女峨嵋蹙:《一位女士的畫像》克萊恩式的精神分析解讀




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